LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Reverse emulating the NES to give it SUPER POWERS! (NES misc)

The video begins in a strange way and gets stranger, but then, ideally, you understand why.

Reverse emulating the NES to give it SUPER POWERS!

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Video: NES Programming #33 – Selecting Colors And Adjusting Palettes

Michael Chiaramonte shows us more NES Programming.

NES Programming #33 - Selecting colors and adjusting palettes


In this rather short stream, I updated our palette to match the color palette of FCEUX, and added the ability to select and update the colors in the metatile and sprite palettes. Sorry for being thick-witted tonight, but hopefully I’ll be back to my normal self Monday. As a reward for your patience, if you watch to the end you’ll see what I have in store for the game’s core mechanic. Have a good weekend. See you Monday

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VBA-Next Switch v0.6 (Game Boy Advance emu for Nintendo Switch)

VBA-Next Switch is an optimized port of VBA-M to Libretro. VBA-M itself is a fork of the original Visual Boy Advance. RSDuck brought it now to the Nintendo Switch to enjoy some classic Game Boy Advance games. Don’t forget we host a great range of free and legal GBA homebrews!


* Complete UI overhaul. Now it looks almost native!
* Setting to offset the real time clock

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Retro Asylum #186 (misc)

Retro Asylum #186 is here!


Matt Wilsher, Mads Kristensen & Steve Erickson play and rate their favourite games that are currently included on THEC64 Mini, plus the guys discuss the latest retro gaming related news.

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The Retro League Podcast – Episode 439 – VCS = Very Cautious So far (misc)

The Retro League Podcast features discussion about the latest retro gaming news, re-releases, community developments and reviews of our favorite games.

This week:

This week some honor roll grunge kids are trying to sell us the 32X. We find good things to say about two 90’s movies that starred Angelina Jolie. Street Fighter 1 almost made it to the NES and someone beat Super Mario Bros with one hand behind their back. We’re accidentally sinking our own island and we’re keeping the spirit of Castlevania alive in this episode of the Retro League.

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The Retro League Podcast – Episode 438 – Bombstained: Curse of the New Art Style (misc)

The Retro League Podcast features discussion about the latest retro gaming news, re-releases, community developments and reviews of our favorite games.

This week:

What does the upcoming Thundercats reboot have in common with Space Ghost or the Ninja Turtles? What was the hype like for the Sega CD before launch? What might be the best racing game on the Jaguar? Which genres of music are most likely to sample other music in new songs? We’ve got new Castlevania and the most comprehensive Street Fighter collection to date in this episode of the Retro League.

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Switch SDL Pong v1.0 (Nintendo Switch Game)

Cheeze updated his Pong game for the Nintendo Switch named Switch SDL Pong using C++ and SDL2.


This is the final release.
* Now has scores for player 1 and 2.
* 2 player support.
* New splash screen.
If you find bugs create a new issue and ill try to fix them.

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Babel Blox (Demo) (NES Game)

Babel Blox is a new NES game by Sly Dog Studios. A demo is now ready to download – the game itself might be commercial once done. In the land of Shinar, the people are building a tower to elevate themselves to the level of God. Take on the role of God, and scramble the language of the people and scatter them on the earth! Use twitch-style skills to recognize different languages and stop blocks from being added to the construction of the tower. Choose from a variety of languages to use, and get the people separated!

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snes-m7 v1.0.1 (SNES Techdemo)

snes-m7 is a mode 7 techdemo by gyuque for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). It’s completely open source so go ahead and learn something from it! 🙂

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Heart of the Alien (HOTA) v1.0 (Nintendo Switch Game Port)

usineur ported Heart of the Alien to the Switch, based on the reverse engine made by Gil Medigish.

How to install:

* Copy HOTA.nro to /switch/HOTA/ folder
* Copy all files from to /switch/HOTA/ folder

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