SNES9x for 3DS is a high-compatibility SNES emulator for your old 3DS / 2DS. It runs many games at full speed (60 fps). It supports games that use CX4 chip (Megaman X2/X3), and the SDD-1 chip (Star Ocean, Super Street Fighter 2 Alpha). It can also play games that use the SuperFX chip (Yoshi’s Island, etc) but they run with plenty of frame skips. It has generally much high compatibility than existing SNES emulators on the old 3DS because it uses Snes9x 1.43 as a base, and is a good alternative if your existing emulators cannot play all the games.
* Fixed slider problem in New 3DS (where one of the eyes always sees a black screen)
* Added button mappings and rapid fire settings like VirtuaNES / TemperPCE 3DS (thanks to AdmiralCurtiss)
* Added button configuration to open emulator menu and fast-forward (thanks to AdmiralCurtiss). Use with care, though. In some games, fast-forwarding can freeze/corrupt your game.
* Added a frame rate option to v-sync with the 60Hz 3DS refresh rate (thanks AdmiralCurtiss)
* Added an option to auto-save state when exiting and loading when starting a new game. (thanks AdmiralCurtiss)
* Added an option to force saving of SRAM, required by Yoshi’s Island. (thanks AdmiralCurtiss)
* Show 3DS battery level in the bottom right of the menu (thanks ramzinouri)
* Increased scrolling speed in menu when holding down the D-pad.
* Added memory mapper support for Tengai Makyou Zero English Patch (version 1.0 released 22 Oct 2017)
* Supports most original BS Zelda (1-4, Map 2 1-4, Ancient Stone Tablets 1-4), except for the Remix version which still boots into black screen (thanks ramzinouri)
Sheep It Up! is a new game published by Catskull Games and developed by Dr. Ludos. It’s an arcade game where a sheep has to climb up by hanging himself to flying velcro straps. The concept is simple, but the game rapidly gets quite challenging: how high can you climb without falling down?

Everything is manufactured specifically for this game: The pcb, the rom, the shell, the protective case and even the sticker! The price is at reasonable $15 (excluding shipping). It will run on any Gameboy model, from the first one to the GBA SP, including the Super Game Boy.
The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.
We catch up with former Amiga demoscene composer Romeo Knight from the legendary Red Sector Inc.
Added Oct 31, 2017, Under:
Priiloader is a modified version of the officially discontinued Preloader. Preloader is a small application which places itself before the System Menu. Its main feature is to directly boot the Homebrew Channel or a file you can install from a FAT device. Preloader is also able to apply memory patches the system menu to remove limitations or other things. Warning! This homebrew makes permanent changes to your Wii’s flash memory (NAND) and should be used with caution.
* Added support for open HBC
* refuse installation on WiiU(vWii) (using a dirty check from Joostin)
* added option to shutdown to a certain app
* fixed arguments stuff when booting dol/elf files
* Added magic word to force autoboot ( ‘Abra’ )
Added Oct 31, 2017, Under:
EasyRPG Player is an open source implementation of the RPG Maker 2000/2003 engine. Get a RPG Maker 2000/2003 game and place the Player (boot.dol) in the root directory of the game (that’s where RPG_RT.exe is). The program has no file browser, each game really needs its own boot.dol!
* The Player crashes when attempting to use a healing item outside of the battle (#1221).
The last-minute “battle encounters based on terrain tag” patch in 0.5.2 contained a bug for the default case: When the terrain tag array is shorter than the current terrain ID, it defaults to true instead of false. This broke battle encounters in Vampires Dawn completely (#1218).
* A change in the logic whether characters or tiles are drawn for events resulted in a rendering error in Yume 2kki: It uses event tiles with no name. They were rendered as black boxes but must be rendered transparently instead (#1228).
* The \N[X] actor name function didn’t work correctly anymore (#1229).
* We reworked the name input scene to match the RPG_RT behaviour and only show two pages per language, e.g. Hiragana and Katakana for Japanese and Latin alphabet and ExFont for Western Europe. Unfortunately this broke a riddle in Ib, because the English translation by vgperson was auto-detected as Japanese and this made it impossible to input the solution (#1272).
* Battlers are affected by screen shake again (#1280).
Craftus Reloaded is a Minecraft clone for 3DS.
The Sword of Ianna is a video game by the Spanish group Retroworks. Diskover is currently trying to redo the game for the Nintendo Entertainment System / Famicom and shows really great steps forward.
In a time and a world dominated by the shadows, the goddess IANNA chose a warrior, who defeated the evil that threatened these lands. Now that fear is reborn, IT IS YOUR TIME!
The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.
We reminisce about classic computers and modern-day mods with one of our favorite Youtubers, ‘The 8-Bit Guy‘.
Created to celebrate the 30th birthday of the PC Engine, Nantettatte Engine is a simple high score based shooting game by Aetherbyte. Coding & music by Andrew Darovich. Pixel art by Paul Weller. Illustration by Kamui@SugarFree.
Shoot the enemies to gain points. Enemies that reach the ground subtract points. Don’t let the dreaded Boing Balls or Watchy Games hit the bottom, or you will receive instant death!
Put The Square On Steps is an Android game by Łukasz Durniat. The easy game created for fun with the simple rules. Just try keep the square in top of an screen as long as possible. With each move you need put the square on the white blocks but aware the white blocks get smaller and smaller.

– New backgrounds
– New score system