Berzerk DS by a guy who calls himself Commodore has been updated. The game was previously called “My Berzerk” and is an attempt to redo the classic Arcade game Berzerk for Nintendo DS.
– Fixed VRAM crash
– Added the rest of the enemies from Berzerk V1.1
– Changed name from “My Berzerk” to “Berzerk DS”
– Made Otto’s graphic more accurate.
Super Chess by jorge_97 is a chess game for Playstation Portable written using Lua.
Crazy Crocodile by Joy-inn: The drinking game… that bites! Fun, addictive, Crazy Crocodile is the ultimate party game for responsible adults. You will never again go out for a drink without it!
This crocodile may look cute, but don’t be mistaken, it will drive you craaaazy! Rules are simple, but no need to explain them, you won’t remember them after a few rounds anyway…
But for the sake of it: you get bitten, you drink. Simple as that… except if you feel lucky and take a shot at the double-or-nothing shuffle game, which you probably win early in the game. But it will always end up as a double punishment later on…
– 2 to 8 players
– Beautiful graphics and sound effects
– Player who pushes the wrong crocodile tooth loses the round
– Double or nothing mini game
– Absolute fun with friends
Crazy Crocodile: Enjoy responsibly, play with moderation!
This news item is dedicated to Widdy 🙂
The NeoGeo Development Wiki is a wiki is about every technical aspect of the SNK NeoGeo hardware and software (AES, MVS, CD and CDZ). It’s a rather fresh wiki only three days old, so the information should fill up during the next couple of weeks.
Possibly this will give Neo Geo development a small boost, which is badly required.
ModRana is a flexible navigation system; based on Rana app. Featuring finger friendly on-screen buttons, online search and routing, offline routing, tracklogging, POIs, map download for offline usage, optional voice navigation (you need to install espeak separately) and more.
No changelog given
Kickstarter campaigns are nothing special these days as crowdfunding has become quite popular. It is the only possibility for projects such as the GCW Zero to get a larger audience and become somewhat popular. The GCW Zero is a handheld which runs OpenDingux and can probably be seen as unofficial successor of the Chinese Dingoo gaming devices.
Forty working prototypes are existing. These were sent to well reputed developers around the globe to start the first software ports. Game creators such as Retroguru (Giana’s Return, Sqrxz Series) have jump the boat and want to support this new system.
Now it’s up to you, seeing this handheld in commercial industry production! Sneak over to the Kickstarter page and check out the specs!
Unsung, a World War I adventure in Wolfenstein 3D, lets you slog through the trenches in true pixelated FPS fashion.
Notes from Nembo:
Dead. That one word perfectly describes the current status of the Dreamcast port of Unsung. Now that the bad news has been dealt with, here is some good news. The incomplete and probably never to be completed port is now released and up for download. I had wanted to finish this awhile back but little work has been put into it the last eight months, and I don’t foresee that changing anytime soon. As it currently stands the cutscenes still don’t function and the frame rate is rather low. This port really can’t be recommended but here it is.
Journey to the Center of the Earth by Masteries ported to Pandora by GECA soft.
Added Jan 9, 2013, Under:
Locomalito‘s game L’Abbaye des Morts ported to Caanoo by Farox! The gameplay is directly inspired by Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy.
Freeciv is a Free and Open Source empire-building strategy game inspired by the history of human civilization. The game commences in prehistory and your mission is to lead your tribe from the stone age to the space age.