LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Fill It Up (GBA Game)

Matt Gummo released a new homebrewn game for GBA. This time it’s a puzzle game where you have to walk through an entire level without going over a location you have already been at. It is quite addictive and has some great features like a random level generator, and even a level editor. [Description stolen from krom/ :]

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Layout Changes (misc)


Because Kojote told me to, I’ve changed the appearing of these systems in the following way:

Arcarde –> Arcade
Master System II –> Master System
Playstation II –> Playstation 2

See ya!

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Thrust Advance v1.01 (GBA Game)

Matthew R. Partridge did a coversation of the old Commodore 64 game “Thrust” and send it to GBAdev. The changes compared to the C64 are:

Differences to Thrust (C64)

The door opens the wrong way on level 5.The teleport effect is missing.There should be 2 types of fuel pod, there is only one. There are no collisions between the ship or orb and static objects.The particles for players bullets, limpet bullets and debris are all the same colour.

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Interview with David Shadoff (PCE misc)

Today I had the pleasure to interview the PCE (PC Engine) developer “David Shadoff”. Read the whole interview using the link below.

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New Files (PCE misc)

PC Engine
A Music Player by DamageX
Airman by Trilinear (Sound Demo)
Akumajou Dracula X2 by Aramis
Backup RAM Generator for Bomberman by David Shadoff
Blox Demo 1 by Dave Shadoff
Blox Demo 2 by Dave Shadoff
Blox Demo 3 by Dave Shadoff
Fade InOut and Multi Palette BKG Demo by Aramis
Flipit Demo 1 by Dave Shadoff
Green Hill by Trilinear (Sound Demo)
Speech by Trilinear (Sound Demo)

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Interview Corner fixed! (misc)

I recently realized that the “Interview Corner” is still not integrated into the usual PDroms layout style. This shouldn’t be anymore 🙂

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New Files (GBA/NES/PS2) (misc)

Gameboy Advance
BFiso by The Black Frog
Cyrill the Barbarian by Kuba
Evil Bobs Jumble Solver by The Black Frog
HAM Tutorial Hearts v2.7 by Aaron Rogers
HAM Tutorial Hearts v3.2 by Aaron Rogers
Mosaic Test by Jenswa
Pong by The Black Frog
Rally by The Black Frog
RiPsGo 2 r1 by The Black Frog

Nintendo 8-Bit
The Matrix v0.06 by Wojciech Andralojc
The Masmix v0.06 by Wojciech Andralojc
Siudyms Homepage Promotion Demo by Siudym

Playstation 2
Blend by adresd
Evolution by NoRecess
PS2 Flight by Gabriel DelaRosa
Terrain by wiRe

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HAM Tutorial Hearts v3.2 (GBA Game)

Aaron Rogers has updated his Hearts game again. Get the download from his page.

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Mosaic Test (GBA Techdemo)

A new demo appeared on today! This time it’s “Mosaic Test” by Jenswa!

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GBA Halo Light (misc)

There are some hardware news at my sponsor’s page

The GBA? Halo Light promises (and sure looks like) an excellent addition to your GBA?, and a great way to light up the games you play, without any real installation other than plugging it into the link port of the GBA? and replacing the GBA? lens.

As you can see from the pictures shown on the official page, the games will look a lot brighter… but just have a look by yourself! The introducion price is US$34.97 (regular price after introducion will be US$39.97). Preorders are taken. Further details can be get from GG’s page.

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