LvR (Gameboy Advance)

New PS2 Demos! ThirdCreation #7 has ended (PS2 misc)

The seventh “Third Creation” coding competition for Playstation 2 has ended. There were four entries in total:

* Terrain by Wire / Napalm
* Blend by Adresd
* Evolution by No Recess / Condense
* PS2 Flight by Gabriel DelaRosa

Deadline for Round 8 is the 1st December! The downloads for Round 7 are not yet avaliable from PDroms, so please get the files on it’s official place.

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Masmix v0.06 (NES Game)

Memblers put two new homebrewn games on his NES developer page five days ago. At the moment I can’t remember the name of the original author, but the two released games are very similar to each other. Just spritsets / gfx are changed.

The games are: Masmix v0.06 and Matrix v0.06

[PS Look at the update from the 30th October]

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Evil Bobs Jumble Solver (GBA misc)

EBJS is an application for the Gameboy Advance that will take a 5 or six letter word, and rearange the letters to form ALL possible combinations!

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Rayengine (GBA Techdemo)

Mike Wynn did a small raycast demo in Mode 3 & 5! The whole engine is coded in c which makes it a bit slow. Sources and binaries are avaliable from his page.

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Cyrill the Barbarian (GBA Game)

Kuba sent his latest project “Cyrill the Barbarian” to the guys at! It features 3D graphics created with Blender3D and plays music (created by Ken) using the Krawall Audio Library.I didn’t had the chance to play this game yet, so I can’t tell you anything about gameplay, story etc…

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GPVGB v0.11 Alpha (GBC emu for GP32)

A new version of GPVGB (Gameboy Classic/Color Emulator for GP32) is out!

Changes are:

– Change of memory structure
– Fixed CPU bugs

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HAM Tutorial Hearts v2.7 (GBA Game)

Aaron Rogers updated his entry for the “Hearts Coding Competition” to version 2.7 (source avaliable too)! It is “very playable” now and the AI has been improved! Thanks to Aaron himself for the news!

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New Files! (Vectrex misc)

0ldsk00l by Manu
Animation by Manu
Gravitrex-by John Dondzila
Joystick by Manu
Kingpin v0.4 by Manu
Patriots III by John Dondzila
Vectrex Frogger by Christopher Salomon
Vectrex Pong by Christopher Salomon

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New Files (GBA/NES) (misc)

Gameboy Advance
Blod-Runner v1.1 by Opus
Corazones Hearts by Ruben Alonso
GBA Hearts by Stephen Stair
GDE Hearts by Arrow
HAM Tutorial Hearts by Aaron Rogers
Hearts by Matthew Gummo
Hearts Cafe by Mathieu
I Heart You by Team Dadako
Jashin by Costis and BigRed
PimpRaycaster v0.8 by Leigh
Uranus 2 by ZoneGN
Yoshitakas Hearts by Yoshi Taka

NES 8-Bit
Bill World v0.1 by Abonetochew
Blocks Demo by Abonetochew
Chess v0.0 by Matrixz

I passed my english exam :))) so here is the promised update! Have fun…

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Last Reminder: 5 US Dollar Discount at !!! (misc)

You might remember the post saying that you can get 5$ discount on each order you place at my sponsor GameGizmo! The offer is still valid to the 31st October!

All you need is this voucher code: 101121222

I’m sure you’ll find some interesting items at GameGizmo’s 🙂 They offer a nice variety of consoles and addons. Just have a look.

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