GPS Info (03-03-2009) (PPC Application)

GPS Info is a customizable Basic GPS info program.


While working on my Golf GPS program, I ran into some users not being able to use it due to the fact that they couldn’t get the Windows Intermediate Driver to work. A long time ago, I wrote my own GPS library to work directly with the GPS reciever via COM ports. I tried to fiddle with that old code, but came across OpenNETCF’s GPS library, and it is much nicer than what I had wrote. This program uses both, the Windows Driver, and OpenNETCF’s library, so if you have a GPS device, and a Windows Mobile Device, this should work. I wanted a simple program to test it out on, instead of releaseing the golf program with it which could introduce bugs. If you can’t get the Golf program to work, try this piece and see if it works. If so, you are in luck as the next release of GolfGPS will include the new GPS interface.

This is still a pretty fun little program with ton’s of settings and customizations. Have fun with it, and please let me know if you have any issues with it.

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GP2x Magazine No. 0 (GP2x misc)

The guys behind released a magazine for the GP2x.,0,0,0,2,2739

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GNU Robbo v0.61 (GP2x Game)

GNU Robbo is a free open source reimplementation of QXLand’s Robbo for the Atari XE/XL from the late 1980s. The gameplay of the original is faithfully reproduced with a few modifications.

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No Fragments 9 Jaguar Freeware (Jaguar misc)

No Fragments Number 9 is a collection of allmost all available Jaguar Freeware stuff out there. Collected and released in one .ISO by Lotek Style.

Worth a look! Or two! Or even more 😉

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MazezaM v1.1 (ColecoVision Game)

Dr. Hirudo has let us know ( ) that he released an updated version of MazezaM (feel free to leave feedback in the PDRoms webboard).

The goal of the game looks simple – to pass from the left part of the level to the right, by sliding the walls and making corridors between them, which you can pass through. Once you get to the right part of the level, the character goes through straight corridor to the next level. The game gets harder with every level passed. But the motivation of the player to go to the next level raises as well. MazezaM is also available for other various platforms with wide range of features on every different hardware.

Release notes:

I have made the new release of MazezaM for Colecovision, compiled with the newer SDCC compiler. It is now faster and with two more levels. But the Gameboy version is still better, with smoother animation of the character.

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Troika v1.0 (iPhone Game)

The object of the game is to clear the tableau by removing cards in sets of three. Once a set is made it is removed from the tableau and three news cards are dealt in its place. When there are no valid sets remaining on the tableau the game is over.

A card has four properties: number, shape, color and fill. Each one of these properties may have one of three different values. For example, a card will possess one, two or three shapes which will be either rectangles, ovals or diamonds. These shapes will be colored red, green or blue and will be either solid, shaded or empty.

A valid set consists of cards where each property either matches across all three cards or is different across all three cards. Taking number as an example, in a valid set each card must have either the same number as the other two cards in the set or a different number from both other cards. Similarly, for color, in a valid set all three cards must have the same color or all three colors must be represented.

To form a set, select three cards by touching them. If the set is valid the cards will disappear and three new cards will be dealt in their place. If not, the tableau will shake but the cards will remain selected. To deselect a card touch it again.

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MissedCall v0.7.5 (Android Application)

Get custom LED/Sound/Vibrate notifications for calls/sms/bluetooth/calendar.

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MobileZX v0.8.60 (Spectrum emu for J2ME)

MobileZX is a 48k ZX Spectrum emulator for mobile devices with support for J2ME MIDP2.0. It is oriented to devices such as PDAs and mobile phones.

Thanks to for the news.

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PS2Doom v1.0.2.0 (PS2 Game Port)

pedroduarte0 updated his Playstation 2 port of Doom. Original files are required.

Thanks to for the news.

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Scilors Driving Licence Trainer v0.5 (Beta) (PPC Application)

Every wanted to have an easy way to learn the for your driving licence? Here is a possibility, at least for our german visitors. The German Licence Trainer File for 2009 is included and working, everyone can now create such file for every country.


-Added: GermanQuestionPack2009ClassB
-Removed: OldQuestionPack

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