Grilled Steak v1.0 (iPhone misc)

By the gravity indution of the iphone,you can make a delicious steak through roasted over the steak with materials. When you roast over it excessively,the steak will be flying out from your screen.When your strength is too weak, the steak will not turn back, and it may lost out from the screen,If you do not roast it over, it will be scorched to the black color. If you cook the steak proficiently and carefully, you can roast a juicy steak.

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DSLatin WIP (NDS misc)

paladine is working on a DSLatin vocabulary training tool. It’s currently in development and here is the first screenshot:

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libXM7 v0.93 (Beta) (NDS Application)

libXM7 by sverx is a simple XM player/library based on XM7Play.



… it took me some more time than what was planned but I believe the result is worth a little more waiting… 😉

So here’s it: libXM7 new version, beta 0.93!

Lots of (more or less) serious bugs have been corrected and -main personal achievement- now the library features complete XM effect support, including volume column effects, of course.

Here’s the demo (984 KiB zip file), and here’s the libXM7 HTML page with all the details and, of course, the links to the library (36 KiB zip file) and the example source code (12KiB zip file, works with latest libnds, both release 1.3.1 and release 1.3.2)

Last words: Thanks once more to all those who gave me the big help I needed to achieve all this.

Feedback/comments and ideas are appreciated.

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Task Facade v4.0 (RC5) (PPC Application)

Task Facade, previously known as Dynamo 3, is a cool, animated task manager for your PocketPC 2003/05/06 device. Say goodbye to boring text lists of running programs and instead manage your programs by sliding in images of all your running applications onto your screen. For each program on your device an image is saved and when you click the hotkey they all zoom onto your screen. Simply click the one you want and it will increase to fill the screen. Quickly seeing all the running programs is far more efficient than having to read through a text-based task list so Task Facade can make task switching a much faster, and cooler, experience.

Task Facade also allows you to quit programs from inside the image view meaning that it does everything your old text-based program manager could do.

As well as just looking generally cooler, Task Facade offers far more customization than before and allows the whole application to be controlled using either your PDAs hardware keys or the stylus.

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YahtzWii v1.12 (Wii Game)

It’s Yahtzee for the Wii coded by Chris.


Fixed critical bug where if player selected all dice before marking score, the next player would not be able to throw (thanks, Mr. Reaper)

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MPlayer CE v0.21e (Wii Application)

MPlayer CE is a fork of the Team Twiizers MPlayer Wii port.


Fixed apostrophies in filenames
Improved DVD and USB mounting devices
Fixed radio
Improved samba reconnection
Debugging help for SMB Shares at bootup, debug_network=yes (Review mplayer.conf)

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Winter Chip IV (NES Intro)

“Winter Chip IV ROM Flyer” by Battle of the Bits!

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PhonyCall (22-02-2009) (PPC misc)

A “fake call” freeware. Right now it only has the calling screen but will soon contain an in call screen with a timer.

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mPlug v0.51 (PPC Application)

This small program runs in the background and checks permanant if a headset is connected to the PocketPC. When the headset is removed accidentally or intenional from the PocketPC, the volume will be set to a default value. This should prevent, that you forget to change the volume or to stop the music playing and so your music won’t “annoy” other people around you.


Fixed some bugs

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Poi Community Navigator v0.5 (Beta) (PPC Application)

acquariusoft updated his simple program for GPS navigation.


– Show info of navigation ( lat,long, speed)
– show linear distance to a point
– show alert if a poi is near (ex autovelox) for now the distance is fix ( 2km) and the sound is not configurable,but this is only a beta
– you can insert your poi in the poi folder with csv extension.
– you can select the poi category to alert

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