Task Facade v4.0 (Alpha 2) (PPC Application)

Task Facade, previously known as Dynamo 3, is a cool, animated task manager for your PocketPC 2003/05/06 device. Say goodbye to boring text lists of running programs and instead manage your programs by sliding in images of all your running applications onto your screen. For each program on your device an image is saved and when you click the hotkey they all zoom onto your screen. Simply click the one you want and it will increase to fill the screen. Quickly seeing all the running programs is far more efficient than having to read through a text-based task list so Task Facade can make task switching a much faster, and cooler, experience.

Task Facade also allows you to quit programs from inside the image view meaning that it does everything your old text-based program manager could do.

As well as just looking generally cooler, Task Facade offers far more customization than before and allows the whole application to be controlled using either your PDAs hardware keys or the stylus.

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myStopwatch v1.4.2.8 (PPC Application)

MyStopwatch is an excellent Stop Watch and timer for our HD/Pro/Diamond. It supports WVGA and VGA and English and Italian language (if you want you can send a translation). .NET CF 2.0 Nedded.

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ThrottleLauncher v0.9.6 (PPC Application)

ThrottleLauncher is a launcher app designed for Windows Mobile 5 and 6 in c# and c++. Basically it consist’s of several pages containing rows. Each of the rows depending of it contents can be scrolled horizontally by using the finger. The app is fully configurable through xml files so the rest of the features depends on the diferent setups.

Release notes:

– Veritcal scrolling works a lot smoother.
– Calendar speedup by offline getting appointments (appointments may take a little while to show) Loading message added to the plugin.
– Fully redesigned ThrottleConfig app.
– Widget creation support to create contacts widgets and shortcuts.
– Messages update automatically when new one is received or when they are deleted.
– Multiple mail accounts support in TF3D theme.
– #$THEME_BASE# Points to the current theme folder (ie. like #$THROTTLE#setupstouchflo3d was but with the posibility of placing the theme in SD card for example). This does also support storage card instalation as long as they are inside ProgramFilesThrottleLauncherSetups folder.
– Deprecated keeppagebackbuffer, clearbackbuffers (this two are useless as pagechanging and buffering is atuomatically optimized now), minclicktime (people don’t like delays when clicking).
– New way of arranging groups (last apps, running apps, contacts and folder contents). Now you can use the items flag to arrange the info in panels or what ever you want. Check the allcontactswithphoto or applications tag of the updated iphone theme
– Fully rewriten today plugin integration (no more taskmgr hangs between other thing). Lot’s faster engine.
– Graphics rotation fix.
– Plugins on first page solved by changing loading policy.
– Paged mode issue solved.
– Transparency issues problems when changing pages.
– Solved issue when draging over the top bar.
– Redesigned Message2Reg.
– Solved all the standalone app issues (including the plugin backgrounds ).
– Added a backup of the log file to ThrottleToday2.txt
– Solved ThrottleConfig problems.
– Reduced memory footprint

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Evelonth – Chapter 1 v0.95 (NDS Game)

Copete23 released a demo of his platform game Evelonth.


Hello, after much suffering here I leave my additions as coder, this is my new project, Evelonth, this is the demo of the first chapter, as I have decided to divide it into chapters, which I will create (if you like, of course). however, this demo is not the whole chapter.

Thanks to for the news.

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Preloader v0.25 (Wii misc)

Preloader ‘replaces’ the systemmenu (it’s not really replaced, its main.dol is just renamed) with a simple loader which allows you to automatically load the HBC, a .dol you can install from SD or the systemmenu. It also allows you to use simple patches on the systemmenu.

Warning: This homebrew application will brick your Wii if you misuse it!

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DS1942 v1.0 (Arcade machine emu for NDS)

Copper has released an Arcade machine emulator, specialized in emulating 1942.

Release notes:

– First release
– Compiled with libnds 1.3.1
– The rom file is unzipped automatically by the emulator

Thanks to for the news.,4032.msg38529/topicseen.html

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Powernoid v4d (PSP Game)

Powernoid is a Breakout clone with powerups inspired by Megaball for the Amiga!


This update will likely be the last for this game since I think it’s realised what I wanted it to be from the beginning. It’s only a fairly small update, but important bug fix.
Released with full source.

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Ultimate VSH Menu v1 (PSP Application)

Total_Noob released Ultimate VSH Menu for PlayStation Portable.


– Press SELECT for open/close Ultimate VSH Menu
– Don’t activated VSH Menu in camera
– Don’t activated VSH Menu in internet browser
– Possibility to change XMB CPU
– Possibility to change Game CPU
– Possibility to change USB device
– Possibility to change UMD iso mode
– Possibility to change game kernel
– Possibility to activated skip sony logo
– Make autoboot battery
– Make pandora battery
– Make normal battery
– Shutdown function
– Suspend function
– Reset function

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GNU Netcat v0.7.1 (GP2x misc)

Netcat is a featured networking utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using the TCP/IP protocol.

Release notes:

Compiled statically with open2x runtime. See the website for the source.,0,0,0,8,2723

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X-COM – UFO Defense v1.0.0 (GP2x Game Port)

M-HT and Senor Quack updated their X-Com port for GP2x. Note: The Original X-COM: UFO Defense Version 1.4 required!


List of changes:
* renamed configuration file UFO.cfg to Ufo.cfg
+ working intro
+ added a sync call after saving a game
+ working sound
+ working music

changes by Senor Quack:
+ F200 touchscreen support for both left and right-handed users.
+ Battlefield scrolling and geoscape rotation macros.
+ Battlefield “View Level Up/Down” macros.
+ Geoscape “Zoom In/Out” macros.
* More flexible button remapping.
* Few minor bug fixes: Cursor movement no longer sticks when game is paused and cursor is moving.
+ Made sample and music volumes independantly adjustable
+ Added direct adjustment of GP2X volume through /dev/mixer

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