Timeless (PSP Demo Port)

Marq has picked up the demo Timeless by Tran ( ) and ported it over to PSP, GP2x and Dreamcast.

This release is about two months old but has been spotted right now to make its way to the main page, where it should get it’s deserved attention.

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Setris (Preview Release 1) (NDS Game)

Setris is a puzzle game where you have to find patterns in a set of stones displayed. Patterns are defined by a set of simple rules, but together they will put your mind to its limit.

As the game advances more stones will fall down in faster rates. You loose, when the screen is full.

Release thread:

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Commander K. Wii v0.99 (Wii misc)

Commander K. Wii is a port of the CloneKeen game engine by Caitlin Shaw ( ). This game engine allow you (if you have the original data files) to play the 3 first episodes of Commander Keen by Id Software. It should be also say that this adaptation starting not from the CloneKeen Sources but from Alekmaul DS adaptation ( ).

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ASCII Pong v1.0 (Wii Game)

ASCII Pong is a Pong game for the WII just using console mode and no graphics. It is done in black and white colors to look like the original classic Pong game. It can be played by one or two players. It will operate in one player mode until a key on the second Wiimote is pressed. The ball speed can be adjusted on the Instructions page. If you miss the ball the Wiimote will rumble.

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Pong2 v0.91 (Wii Game)

Pong2 is an open-source game based on the original game of Pong. Pong2 has improved features over the original. The paddle can be moved horizontally and vertically. 10 tracks of background music are available during game play. The first player to score 10 points in each level is the winner.


Added high Score screen
High scores are saved (.xml format) on your SD card.
Added better game sound effects

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POV-Ray2x v3.6 (GP2x Application)

Grz released POV-Ray2x, it’s a port of POV-Ray (Persistence of Vision Raytracer) for GP2x.


– All POV-Ray features except TIFF images support.
– Custom real-time rendering (by lines or mosaic) preview for GP2X, built with minimal library from rlyeh.
– Rendering stats.,0,0,0,4,2706

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SunOL v0.3 Final (NDS Application)

SunOL is an apllication to view/read the NDS release list. It allows you to view all informations about games along with boxarts and screenshots.


– Add a theme selector (this version is published with 3 themes by 59HXC)
– Add a bookmark feature

– moved skin.ini to theme.ini (this file is different)
– Engine fully rebuilt more efficient

Bug fixes:
– the rebootlib is downgraded to the older one (SunOL will now work on R4&co

Thanks to for the news!

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iR Shell v4.7 (PSP Application)

iR Shell byAhMan is a shell application for PSP.


– Support Dark_AleX latest 5.00M33-3 CFWs. Users of original 5.00M33 & M33-2 should upgrade to M33-3 to avoid incompatibility issues. The latest Popsloader 5.00 is also supported.
– An Infra-Red learning remote is added for PSP Phat. You no longer need to hunt pronto codes for your appliances. Just point your remote unit at the PSP and it will learn the iR code. It is available under higher firmwares and not fw 1.5 mode. Refer to the Release Note for usage details.
– The nethostfs connection handling has been redesigned to be more robust. However, iR Shell 4.7 and onwards can only connect to the new nethostfs PC server v2.1. Make sure you’ve updated the nethostfs PC server.
– Enhance UMD/ISO game compatibility via nethostfs MAX mode. Most previous failed games will probably work.
– Usbhostfs & nethostfs host redirection under XMB has returned.
– The Adhoc PC connection for nethostfs was broken since fw 3.71. This feature has been brought back for PSP Phat.
– Enhance the HTML Plugin (by Dark_AleX) to allow direct launching of flash games with extension SWF.

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DaedalusX64 (Beta 1) (N64 emu for PSP)

DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn. It is a GPL Open Source project.


[+] TV Out Support (Chilly Willy)
[+] ME Audio Supported (Small speed-up with sound on.) (Chilly Willy)
[+] Increased audio buffers for better sound quality (Kreationz)
[+] Changed logo and graphics to represent new name (graphic by SynGamer)
[!] Fixed screen shots (Chilly Willy)
[!] Fixed an OoT custom clend Mode (Wally)
[!] Fixed Shaking using double display lists (GoldenEye 007, others…) (idea Wally, code Kreationz)
[!] Pause Menu Reset not working properly (Kreationz)
[!] Fixed FPS Display and Framerate limiter (Kreationz)
[!] Optimized code generation for fragments which branch to themselves is now optional
Fixes games that broke from R12-13 (Kreationz)
[^] Improved thread communications in job manager (Hlide)

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Conways Game Of Life (10-11-2008) (PSP Game)

A “Game of Life” game by maxthebest for PlayStation Portable.

Release notes:

I’m just releasing an early version of my new homebrew: The Game Of Life: Sound Of Life.

So, basically, this is a game of life obeying to Conway’s law, with just 1 cool feature added: this one can generate sound (the sound of life ).

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