iWeather v0.1 (PPC Application)

iWeather uses the weather feed from yahoo (or When you run iWeather, you need to connect to the internet. Same for the Settings.exe.

Release notes:

How to:
1. open Settings.exe
2. enter your LocationID
3. press ENTER
4. press Done-Button
IMPORTANT! It is nessessary to stay online!

Things to do:
– fix battery-bug in Settings.exe
– adding more than one location
– open settings by pushing the “i”-button
– caching data for offline use
– maybe integrating settings into iWeather
– maybe different language support
– …

– first release
– only one city-weather is possible
– search in Settings.exe only writes the LocationID (e.g. USNY0996) and the displayed unit into the city.xml (you can find your LocationID at )
– Settings.exe gives as validation the city-name to the entered LocationID.
– it’s not possible to start settings from iWeather
– iWeather will automaticaly start, after pushing “done”-button in Settings.
– background-image and icons will change after sunset or sunrise of the selected location
– both apps can be closed by pushing the battery on the upper right corner

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Fuzzy Bill Splitter (PPC Application)

The author of Split the Bill had to rename his application to Fuzzy Bill Splitter as Split the Bill already exists as commercial software!

Release notes:

So in honour of the new name I add a new requested alteration!

The default calculation now favours the punter not the restaurant. Basically where it would always make sure you paid at least the bill plus the gratuity, now it pays the closest to it with out making you pay more.

If you feel bad you can now go to the menu and click “Round Up” to make sure that the full gratuity is paid plus a bit!

Still working on themes though!!

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Wii Shooting Gallery v1.8 (Wii Game)

Wii Shooting Gallery is a shoot the targets type game. It is best played with the Wii Zapper. After you miss three times you will return to the menu (GUI). It consists of 4 modes:

– Still Targets
– Horizontal Moving Targets
– Vertical Moving Targets
– Crazy Targets


– Highscoring System
– Basic Enemies for Wii Shoot In Space
– Hogans New Alley Difficulty Modified
– Compatible With HBC 9

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ThrottleLock v0.4 (PPC Application)

ThrottleLock is a pattern based lock application, fully skinable and with multilanguage support.


– Diagonal support for patterns.
– Faster (implemented with the new ThrottleLauncher png rendering engine based on libpng and zlib).
– Lighter, as now it’s faster to paint when it deactivates it can free all the graphics info without drawback on startup time.
– Caller id popup showing who’s calling or who you are talking to.
– New Layout based on the design by Aldur (thanks pal!)
– Configuration tool (a little bit ugly but really functional). Asks for pattern before entering for security.
– Multiple skins support that you can switch between using the config tool.
– Removed the tap&hold menu (change pattern implemented on the config tool)
– Two locking methods: all buttons or all but phone buttons.
– Lock on startup support.
– Grid size changing through config dialog.
– Option to autolock device when an incomming call enters.

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Wiibreaker v0.2 (Wii Game)

Wiibreaker is a brickbreaker game by Arikado.

Release notes:

All Collision Detection Problems Fixed – Highscoring – Nunchuk Support – Classic Controller Support – Only rumbles when expansion controllers are not plugged in – HBC 9 Support

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WiiTCPLoadGUI v0.03 (Wii misc)

With WiiTCPLoadGUI we can easily make connection with Homebrew/TCPLoader Channel and stream binary files, it’s write in c++ using Qt4 library, supported platforms: Windows 32bit/64bit (64bit future), Linux x86/x86_64 and MacOSX x86.


– GUI fixes in main/about window. (GUI looks correct on MacOSX/Windows)
– Make install now working.
– Integration with common desktop environments. (KDE3/4, GNOME)
– Integration with konqueror, dolphin. (“Send to Homebrew/TCPLoader” action added)
– Fixed TCPLoader protocol, now application wait for accept connection.
– Improved windows version.
– Various bug fixes in source code.

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Pixelman v0.93.1a (NDS Application)

Pixelman is an sprite editor which will work directly on your Nintendo DS!


Welcome to the v0.93.1a release of Pixelman. No longer the first to introduce the Sprite Testing Arena I’ve been working on for the last few months, but that new feature still bears mentioning.
I’m really really hoping to have as many people as possible to check this new feature out. All instructions are in the Readme included.

*Added Hflip and Vflip Tools.

*Note on Gridshift – Shifting past one edge of the grid will wrap around. This was fixed in this release from v93.0c

*Note on Rotation – Rectangular sprites really won’t rotate correctly at 90 degrees so instead, they’ll rotate a full 180. This was fixed in this release from v.93.0c

*Note on Zoom – Currently all other tools are disabled while zoomed. Use D-Pad to move around the viewing box. Stylus still draws but as I’m typing this I realize you’ll not be able to switch colors. That will be remedied shortly. New in this release.

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Audio Mechanica v7 (Preview) (PSP Application)

Audio Mechanica is a digital audio recorder / effects processor for PSP.

Release notes:

Here’s an early preview of Audio Mechanica V7.
This is the first version that can record direct to file, and is able to do so
with either the Socom microphone headset, DIY mic, or Chotto cam (Go!Cam) microphone

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Rubiks Cube v0.3a (PSP Game)

xart updated his Rubiks Cube game for Playstation Portable. The homepage does not mention any changes.

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ToobBin (02-11-2008) (A2600 Game)

atari2600land is continuing the development of his game ToobBin.

Release notes:

I’m back to work on this, and was wondering how to have 1 row of blocks and not two like there is now, and also how to get the previous rock placements erased so there’s only two blocks

Here’s the list of sprites:
* = not implemented yet
player0 – guy
ball – raft
missile0 – guy’s missiles *
player1 – enemy *
missile1 – enemy’s missiles *

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