PSP Guess (PSP Lua Game)

A guess the number game for Lua. It requires the Lua-Player for PSP.,0,0,0,12,1556

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Attack of the Mutants v0.3 (PSP Game)

DeNitro has updated his shooter game”Attack of the Mutants”. Changes:

  • Ported AOTM to PSPSDK
  • New Music Added using Mikmodlib.
  • Disabled anti-aliasing on 3D sprites to better fit the classic style (minor difference)
  • Added 2 Bonus levels
  • Basic modding support added to allow customized sprites/graphics. See README_MOD.txt for Info
  • Size of eboot and game greatly reduced from version 0.2 (almost 70%)
  • Added some 1-liners submited by BrokenWing
  • Many minor bug fixes (all I know off), thanks to everone who submited them
  • A few minor gameplay changes/additions

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    LUA Chicken Leg (PSP Lua Game)

    LUA Chicken Leg is a simple game written in Lua script language. The goal is to throw the chicken leg into the bucket with the right angle and power. [Description taken from PSP-Updates],0,0,0,12,1551

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    PSPRadio v0.35 (Final) (PSP Application)

    PSPRadio is an internet radio client for your PSP. Changes:

    0.35-final (r312)

  • Refactored PSPSound/PSPSound_MP3. (lots of things are different. but one thing that is evident to the end user is that the buffers were reduced by a factor of 5. Next -pre release will allow for the buffers to be configurable).
  • Added basic multiple samplerate support!Supported rates: 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000. Any rate can be implemented, I just need to add it to the code, let me know if other rates are required. Note that the samplerate conversion is really linear and simplistic, and hence the produced sound will not be very good. Still, better than nothing.
  • UI now displays buffer percentage (instead of in/out number)
  • sound buffers configurable in .cfg file. Post your results!
  • fixed bug where app would crash on exit if played a stream until end and then exited.
  • Now the Text user interface is configurable, look at TextUI.cfg, play and post results!
  • now multiple playlists are supported. The playlist configuration changed as well.. Now, you need to put your playlist files under the PlayLists directory, and don’t need to do anything with the config file.
  • The current playlist is selectable by using UP/DOWN
  • cleaned up the display of playlist/stream, metadata. as 3 completely independent entities.
  • Can browse playlists/entries while playing current stream. (It doesn’t stop anymore when changing tracks)
  • Refactoring of PSPSound/PSPSound_MP3 ->PSPSound/PSPSoundDecoder_MAD, internal OO changes.
  • Thread priorities are now configurable in the .cfg file.
  • Added message queue class for inter thread communications and synchronization.
  • Revamped comm system for PSPApp (PSPRadio) using message q. This solves the problem with callback messaging (thread prio boosting/inheritance from caller, overhead on caller thread, etc. — Also, now polling of buttons/vblank is done in a separate thread. — still work in progress –).
  • Message queue systemrenamed to event queue.. Everything is now using this, except for vblank.
  • Changes to Logging to show time(in ms) and line numbers.
  • Buffer Percentage is updated at 6fps max now (this to not overtax main thread+event handler)
  • Now clear metadata on stream stop (including buffer %).
  • more internal refactoring…
  • (sandberg)-Added button support to the 3D UI so it shows play/stop/pause.
  • (sandberg)-Added hprm (headphone remote control) support to PSPRadio. The keys are mapped to that forward/backmaps to Rtrigger/LTrigger. The Play/Pause button will start playing when stopped and stop when playing.
  • (jpfouch48)-Text items in GraphicsUI are now configurable thru the theme file.
  • (jpfouch48)-Cleaned up warning messages in GraphicsUI.
  • (sandberg) Added graphics for the button commands.
  • (raf)-sandberg added HPRM support.
  • (raf)-added handler to have”multiple screens”- currently using for an options screen. Use TRIANGLE to get to optionsscreen. Only supported by text ui right now.
  • (raf)-The options menu is the only way for now to select a profile and start the network; so use network autostart in the config file if using PSPRaio with another UI.
  • (raf)-Currently network and usb can be started from options screen. Will add CPU speed here also.
  • (raf)-Only restart stream on stop if different than the current stream
  • (raf)-(hopefully)Fixed bug where event queue was filling up causing PSPRadio to quit with event 0x31 (decoder done).
  • (raf)-Only display the filename for playlists now.
  • (raf)-Ignore buttons while HOME menu is up.

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    Bomberman (Beta) (PSP Lua Game)

    Also”Lumo”is working on a Bomberman Game for the PSP. His conversation can be found here:

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    Bomberman v0.1b (PSP Lua Game)

    Image provided by: Bruno AntunesBruno Antunes has released a Bomberman Clone made in Lua.

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    DrummerS v0.3 (NDS Application)

    Lien has updated his Drum-Machine for the Nintendo DS.

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    Graces First Adventure (GBA Game)

    Image provided by: UnknownGrace’s First Adventure is a GBA game where you must explore trees and caverns as you search for the five lost dogs and bring them back to the brick house on the surface, combatting various animals along the way. Note that the dogs can be used as a weapon!

    Thanks to Eugene Esterly III for the news (should I hire you? 😉

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    DCPang! v1.0 (DC Game)

    Image provided by: Michel LouvetMichel Louvet who already did a Pang for the GP32, has now made a version for the Dreamcast. There were two previous versions, this one is considered as final. Thanks the news.

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    MoonShell v0.4 M3 (NDS Application)

    Infantile Paralysiser once again. This version of MoonShell includes the ‘M3 and GBAMP FAT Library’ by Mighty Max.

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