caanMines v0.8.4 (Caanoo Game)

caanMines is a Minesweeper style game for Caanoo by sebt3.,0,0,0,25,736

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Frodo (03-07-2011) (C64 emu for Caanoo)

Aion ported the well known C64 emulator Frodo. His port is based on previous Wiz and GP2x Frodo ports.


* Fixed saving keymap selection within the preferences.
* Cursor in disk menu remember it’s position between selecting files (helpful when a file list is HUGE).

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AntSnes v0.8.6 (SNES emu for Symbian^3)

AtnSnes is a SNES emulator for Symbian. It is actually based on DrPocketSNES v6.4.4, which in turn is based on SNES9x v1.39.

AntSnes running on N8


* Fixed the volume control slider
* Added fullscreen support for E6

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Mind Maze (01-07-2011) (NDS Game)

Mind Maze is a compendium of minigames in which intelligence and skill with the stylus are the basics to solve them.

Mind Maze 20110531

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NesDS v0.53b (NES emu for NDS)

NesDS is a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for Nintendo DS.


Mapper1 updated.
Auto-fire adjusting added.
Swap-Screens disabled if LIGHTGUN active.
sprite0y for SP-pertile fixed.
Careful to use Swap-Screens, which may shutdown DS.

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Bennu File Manager v1.0 (Application Port)

Bennu File Manager is a file manager utility for Caanoo. It can copy and delete files and comes with few more functions.


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The Fantastic Tale Of The Stolen Moon v1.0 (Pandora Game Port)

The Fantastic Tale Of The Stolen Moon by Pink Fish has been ported to Pandora by GECA soft.

Pink Fish - The Fantastic Tale of the Stolen Moon

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PandaBAS v0.0.0.691 (Pandora misc Port)

PandaBAS is a Pandora port of the SpecBAS BASIC interpreter. Based on Sinclair BASIC, but allowing the user to take advantage of more modern hardware – 8bit graphics, sound samples/mod/mp3 etc, with a much more advanced graphics and windowing system.

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Yabause Wii UO (r2649) (Beta 18) (Saturn emu for Wii)

Yabause Wii is a Sega Saturn emulator for Wii and is the first of its kind as emulating the complex processes of the Sega Saturn is much harder then it looks and now even harder to run it on the limited hardware of the Wii.


base on the original yabause r2649 (cmake branches)
compile with devkitPPC r23 and recent libogc except r4078 audio.c
use scsp2.c instead of scsp.c (some games works, but, sound quality seems to be lower)
fix clip bug of vdp1 in vidsoft.c
some minor fixes and changes

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Retro Hunter #21 (misc)

Sven Vößing presents another “Retro Hunter” Video-Podcast. Unfortunately it’s in German language only. Usually of interest for every Retro-Fan!


Sven Vößing alias Retro Hunter ist wieder zurück. Dieses Mal war er zu Besuch im fernen München und hat die Gamersglobal-Redaktion besucht. Dabei fiel ihm eine antike Software namens Ultima 5 in die Hände, die niemandem mehr zu gehören schien.

20 Jahre kugelt sich Sonic The Hedgehog schon durch die Spielewelt. Grund genug für uns, dem blauen Flitze-Igel nicht nur zu gratulieren, sondern einen Blick auf den Klassiker zu werfen. Und wo es einen Klassiker gibt, da ist die Gurke nicht weit entfernt: Mit Awesome Possum….Kicks Dr. Machino’s Butt, zeigt uns Tengen eine wirklich dreiste Kopie des blauen Igels. Zum Ende der Folge wird wieder ein Fundstück präsentiert, und diesmal könnt ihr auch wieder was gewinnen. Was ihr dafür müsst? Einfach die Frage aus der Folge beantworten.

Retro Hunter #21

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