Mirror Magic v2.0.2 (Revision 4) (Pandora Game)

Mirror Magic is a simple game where you have to guide a laser with the help of mirrors to destroy spheres (or cauldrons depending what game are you playing) while avoiding traps that overheat the laser, deflect the laser randomly and so on. Think of Mindbender for the Amiga or Deflektor for the Commodore 64.

The game is played with the touchscreen where with a tap you rotate the mirrors clockwise. To rotate them counter clockwise, you have to press a shoulder buttons. This comes handy to avoid going through all the orientations as they are many. The shoulder buttons are specific to the pandora, PC version doesn’t have this.,0,0,0,25,184

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Zelda Classic v2.11 (Beta 18) Pandora v0.2 (Alpha) (Pandora Game Port)

This is a port of Zelda Classic to the Pandora gaming console. It is based on unofficial sources, but release in binary form was allowed by Dark Nation of Zelda Classic.

Zelda Classic is a tribute to the greatest video game of all time: Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda. It has been developed into an exact replica of the NES version that we all know and love. Beyond that, Zelda Classic allows the development of new quests that can use either the traditional graphics or enhanced graphics, as well as new enemies, items, and challenges.


– scaled to the Pandora screen, but a bit slower (~30fps). If you ran Zelda Classic on the Pandora before, you need to delete your appdata/zeldaclassic directory, so it uses the new configuration file with scaling enabled.,0,0,0,26,185

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UAE4ALL (12-08-2010) (Amiga 500 emu for Pandora)

UAE4ALL for the Pandora has been updated. UAE4ALL is a famous branch of UAE, an well known Amiga emulator. Needs to be optimized but runs tons of games fullspeed!


* Stylus-mode: use R-Trigger + dpad to manually adjust Touchscreen-input (needed for Dungeon Master; also use to recalibrate),0,0,0,72,74

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Planet Hively (13-08-2010) (Dingoo Linux Musicdisk Port)

Planet Hively is a musicdisk which has been seen on platforms such as GP2x, Windows, Linux, GP32 and now sees a Dingux release as well.,0,0,0,38,379

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Zelda ROTH v1.1 (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

After Link’s victory over Ganon (in “A Link to the Past”), no one knows what Link’s wish to the Triforce was. But this wish reunified the Light World and the Dark World and brought the 7 wise men’s descendants back to life. Peace was back in Hyrule. But unfortunately, this wish also ressurected Ganon and his henchmen. He was preparing his revenge, but he couldn’t do anything without the Triforce. One night, a familiar voice speaks to Link in his sleep…


* Finally fixed the random freezing issue (thanks hmn & sebt3 from forum);
* Fixed a major memory leak that caused the system to hang after loading a save;
* Buttons remapped to look more like the SNES version (with minimal code changes)

Known issues / to do list:

* There are still some minor memory leak that can cause a system crash after a long playing time. May never happen for those who use swap.,0,0,0,26,389

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CromoZome v0.8.1 (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

CromoZome is a score attack genetic survival game by PokeParadox, where you strive to keep your CromoZome alive, by eating the other CromoZomes.,0,0,0,27,396

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GP2XPectrum v1.9.2 (Spectrum emu for Caanoo)

GP2XPectrum is a Spectrum emulator for the Caanoo.

Source code is here:,0,0,0,46,462,0,0,0,72,461

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BennuGD Runtime (Release 156) (Caanoo misc)

The runtime for BennuGD, a development language for games. Included is the runtime as well as examples.,0,0,0,19,463

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Caanoo Laser Sword (09-08-2010) (Caanoo Techdemo)

“Caanoo Laser Sword” is a small application that use Caanoo G-Sensor by BennuGD.,0,0,0,8,464

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Art Shot (09-08-2010) (Caanoo Game)

Art Shot is a remake of the classic arcade game “Splash”.,0,0,0,27,465

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