LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Lumberjack (GB Game)

Lumberjack is a great new fun mini-game for the classic Game Boy. Made by Koyot1222, JMD and TMK. How far can you make it?

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Gilly Connect v2.0 (Android Game)

Gilly Connect by Gilly Works for Android is a multi-directional version of connect four! Add the ball from the top, bottom, left, or right! Goal: Connect 4 of your own circles in a row.


– Updated Graphics!!
– New challenge mode!!

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Halloween Nightmare v1.3 (Android Game)

Halloween Nightmare is an Android game by PHANTOM games. It is a dark Halloween night and it’s time for bed. But something strange happens, our scary friend is lost in a weird land. Fight and defeat monsters and help our little hero to go back home!

Collect candy… Walk through the graveyard and the haunted tomb… Climb the icy peak… Explore the dark forest and the ancient castle… Fight against zombies, ghosts, walking deads, skeletons, bats and other monsters!


* In-game GUI update

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Math Run – Times Table v1.2 (Android Game)

Math Run – Times Table is an educational Android game by OTTCat.
Learn the times tables from 2 to 9 by going on a journey with your favorite animal friends! You can master the times tables with ‘Math Run – Times table‘.


* minor bug fix
* change leader board

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Yet Another Pixel Dungeon v0.3.0f (Android Game)

Yet Another Pixel Dungeon (or YetAnotherPD for short) by ConsideredHamster is a roguelike RPG with pixel graphics and simple controls. Like most other games in this genre, it features randomly generated levels, relatively high difficulty and a large number of things to learn. And like most other games of its genre, it is quite challenging.

This game is based on the source code of another Android game, Pixel Dungeon. It began as a small project with the goal to improve the original game here or there, but has since gradually grown into something much, much bigger. The games are quite different from each other, so there is no need to play the original game before trying this one.

YetAnotherPD is absolutely, totally and completely free. There are no advertisements, microtransactions or limited access, and will never be. Most likely, even the “donate” button will only be added after the main release.


Finally! An update! This version offers a huge load of mostly minor balance tweaks, visual improvements and bug fixes, but also option to support this project financially. All of the important info is available within the game. Thank you for waiting!

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HyperRogue v10.0g (Android Game)

HyperRogue is an Android game by Zeno Rogue.

You are a lone outsider in a strange, non-Euclidean world.. As a Rogue, your goal is to collect as many treasures as possible. However, collecting treasures attracts dangerous monsters (on the other hand, killing the monsters allows more treasures to be generated). Collecting enough treasure also allows you to find rare magical orbs, which grant you one-time or time-limited special abilities.


10.0g: Many minor bugfixes and improvements

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RetroArch v1.6.7 (Multiple Emus for Android)

RetroArch is a modular multi-system emulator system that is designed to be fast, lightweight, and portable. Starting with v1.3.6, RetroArch users can download compatible freeware content, such as the shareware release of Doom, right from the app.

List of included libretro cores:

NES: FCEU, Nestopia, QuickNES
SNES: PocketSNES, SNES9x-Next
GBC: Gambatte, TGB Dual
GBA: Meteor, VBA
Genesis / Sega CD: Genesis Plus
Saturn: Yabause (Very slow!)
Playstation: PCSX-ReARMed
Atari 2600: Stella
Chip8/16: Maxe
Arcade: iMAME4all, MAME078, Final Burn Alpha
Mednafen cores: PCE-Fast, WSwan, PSX
Natives: NXEngine (Cave Story), PrBoom (Doom)


* Should hopefully fix some of the menu black screen issues that occurred on some devices.)

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fMSX v5.1.1 (MSX emu for Android)

fMSX is an MSX home computer emulator. It will run software written for MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ computers. Before running fMSX, make sure you place the following MSX system ROMs onto your SD card: MSX.ROM MSX2.ROM MSX2EXT.ROM DISK.ROM.


* Released free fMSX 5.1 for Windows and Linux.
* Greatly improved the Layout Editor, fixing many bugs.
* Layout Editor now lets you resize screen and keyboard in both dimensions.
* Screen and keyboard rectangles will stay centered while resizing.
* Buttons gravity will be restored when resetting layout.
* Made states/screenshots deletion more reliable.

This is a free, limited version of fMSX that may show ads and nag you to buy the full version. For the full, ad-free version, get fMSX Deluxe. Or, you can buy any one of the authors other emulators and the fMSX ads will stop.

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ColEm v4.1.3 (Coleco Vision emu for Android)

Marat Fayzullin updated his Coleco Vision emulator ColEm for Android devices.


* PAL/NTSC mode and other options are now preserved.
* Greatly improved the Layout Editor, fixing many bugs.
* Layout Editor now lets you resize screen and keypad in both dimensions.
* Screen rectangle will stay centered while resizing.
* Buttons gravity will be restored when resetting layout.
* Made states/screenshots deletion more reliable.
* Fixed hangup on exit where Java code waits for non-existent native thread.
* Removed outdated features from the EMULib code.

This is a free, limited version of ColEm that may show ads and nag you to buy the full version. For the latest, full, ad-free version, with better joystick, network play, and the ability to share your saved game play with other users, get ColEm Deluxe.

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Realms of Idle v0.2.4301 (Android Game)

Realms of Idle is a strategy game for Android by ilMare Games.

Release notes:

– Balance
– More bugfixes

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