SKAI the Dragon (11-07-2009) (A2600 Game)

You play as a wizzard in an epic battle with Skai the dragon (from DragonLance). The game takes place in a castle. There is a magic ball that roams around the castle as the dragon circles around the castle. You must get the magic ball and use (shoot it) it on the dragon. Every time you shoot it a new one will come and you will have to get it. you must also avoid running into the walls of the castle or you will lose. The dragon will also fight back by shooting fire at you. if you touch the dragon or its fire then you will lose.

Release notes:

well i didnt do much with this for a few dayz, but i made the walls to where they dont kill you….. here is the bin.

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Running Smile (10-07-2009) (A2600 Game)

In this game, You play as a person trying to catch a smily, and avoiding the evil face. It’s a little rough, but it’s playable, and mildly addicting.

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The Watchtower v1.03 (A2600 Game)

“You’re on guard duty!”, your commanding officer barks at you. Since your chopper was shot down weeks ago, your squad’s been trapped in these woods. You’ve been able to fashion a hut and a small watchtower in case the enemy becomes aware of your whereabouts. As you climb to the top of the watchtower, you hear what sounds like a large helicopter taking off in the distance. You signal for your squadmates to start a fire. Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst, the fire is started. The pilot sees the smoke and hovers down towards you. As it draws near, you notice the symbol emblazoned on the helicopter. It’s the enemy! You draw your rifle as a paratrooper leaps out of the massive aircraft above…

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Aulost v0.35 (Symbian OS Application)

Aulost is a navigation application for S60 phones. User can track own location on Google map and Karttapaikka maps. This application needs S60 Python, see HowToInstall for installing instructions.


Touch support
Fix: Google maps request

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FamiCON Intro 1 (NES Intro)

Simple intro for NES with music.

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XPMCK (02-03-2009) (Arcade misc)

XPMCK is a music (expressed in MML) compiler kit targeted towards various video game systems. It currently supports the following systems:

Capcom Play System (VGM output only)
Commodore 64
MSX (KSS output only)
Nintendo Gameboy / Gameboy Color
SEGA Master System
SEGA Game Gear
SEGA Genesis

Besides the compiler and its source code, the kit includes playback libraries for all supported systems, as well as examples and brief documentation.


Added support for the AY-3-8910 (PSG) and Konami SCC to the KSS playback library.
Added a SYNC command for the C64 target.

Thanks to the author, mic, himself for the news via ICQ.

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XMB RCO Patcher (Beta 1) (PSP Application)

This program will let you change your background waves, icons, battery bar / busy signals, volume bar, clicksounds, and bootlogos safely without risk of brick because all files are read from the memory stick.

This program can be used VIA HEN or normal CFW. These files were tested with 5.00 M33 but should work with all newer firmwares.

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Touch The Music v0.2 (PPC Game)

Touch The Music – Guitar Hero for Windows Mobile

You can tap the fret buttons on the lower part of the screen or you can use LEFT UP RIGHT hardware keys to play. If you want to quit the level/game, just press the RED (end call) key. Please note that with the hardware buttons you won’t be able to net those multitouch points. A singletouch easier mode is planned for future versions.


Multitouch working.
New menu system, with placeholder graphics.
New level (incomplete).
New resolutions.

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Super Transball 2 (R3) (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

Super Transball 2 is the sequel of “Transball” and “Transball 2”, inspired in THRUST type of games.

In each level of Transball, the goal is to find the SPHERE, capture it and carry it to the upper part of the level. The main obstacle is the gravity, that impulses you towards the ground. But many other obstacles, canons, tanks, doors will try to make your way a difficult journey!


Release #3 15/07/2009
* implemented text input with D-PAD (still not 100% bug-free)

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Paper Plane 2 (5 Minute Demo) (GP2x Game)

Your goal in Paper Plane 2 is to get to the other side of the rooms, without touching any of the objects.

There are a lot of improvements in Paper Plane 2, compared to the the first part:

– You can adjust Game Speed for different difficult-Levels
– You can adjust SoundEffects-Volume, Music-Volume and Global Volume
-50 different Levels and some are really hard so you’ll spend time with it to beat it 😀
– Some new ideas to make the game more varied

As the author only owns GLBasic SDK Lite the game is compiled in Demo mode, which only allows five minutes of gameplay. An unrestricted version will be made public, once the author has money for a full GLBasic license.

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