ffplay v1.0.0 (PPC Application)

ffplay is a WinCE port of ffmpeg and ffplay.

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cleanRAM v1.3.5 (PPC Application)

This is an amazing utility which helps you to clean up the wasted RAM memory without having to restart the device and eventually saves a lot of time.


Version 1.3.5 – Fixed: unable to start schedule issue fixed + time format with dots now supported (example: “”)

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CPUFreq v0.1 (Wiz Application)

CPUFreq is a small standalone application for setting the Wiz frequency. It’s based upon libcastor code.,0,0,0,8,60

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CombatWii v0.1 (Wii Game)

Spiffin has released a new homebrew game for the Nintendo Wii. CombatWii is based off of the old Atari tank shoot-em up game Combat.

Release notes:

A game based on the old Atari tank shoot-em up game Combat. The Wii version is actually a semi-port of a PC game me and 2 other university students developed as a software project back in 2001. The game was programmed in C++ and utilized the following two libraries; Allegro (gamedev lib), Libnet (network lib). The game worked out pretty well and we had alot fun developing it. The final version (only version to be released) included 4 different game types; Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Panic & Run For It!. It also included 6 different weapons; Machine gun, Rocket launcher, Laser cannon, Grenade launcher, Mine layer/sweeper and Freeze cannon. Not all weapons were available from start, instead you had to hunt down bonus boxes, aka Pick-ups, that randomly appeared on the map. These pickups did not just contain new weapons, they could also be power-ups that gave more health, increased your speed, increased detail level on radar, etc, so your primary goal was not always to kill your opponents, but instead to hunt down these bonuses. In the 2 latter game types two special objects were used: Flag; An object you strived to grab and hold on to, and Bomb; An object to tried to stay away from. The game was a multi direction scroller with quite large maps. Only one player could play on the same screen, so network play was a must if you wanted to play against others. To give the player a good overview of what was happening on the map (maps were often 2-3 times larger than the screen) a radar was located on the players sidebar (HUD), where also the players health and score were shown.

Thanks to brakken / for the news.

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Solomons Key DS v1.0 (Arcade Game emu for NDS)

Copper has done it again! Here comes another single arcade game emulator for Nintendo DS – Now: “Solomon’s Key”.

As usual the arcade rom does not come with the emulator!

Thanks to for the news.,4256.0.html

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FS Toolbox (22-05-2009) (Wii Application)

FS Toolbox is a dangerous program, and it is advised that you only use it if you have a sufficient understanding of how the Wii system memory works and what files not to mess with. You should probably use BootMii to backup your Wii before continuing. FS Toolbox is a NAND browser that can dump files from the nand to sd card and write files from sd card to the nand,with this you can edit files on the nand to test stuff out and to have backups of your files if something ever goes wrong.

The creator of this application takes no responsibility for the damage that you may cause to your console when using this.

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Pandora Boards (Pandora misc)

Pretty late but better later than never. Here comes a picture of “The Evolution of the Pandora insides”.

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Pandora Panic WIP (Pandora Game)

Also in works by Pickle (and probably others) is Pandora Panic, a collection of few minigames. Linked below the video on YouTube!

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Open Jazz WIP (Pandora Game Port)

Pickle ( ) is heavily busy, porting a bunch of games to the Pandora.

OpenJazz is a free, open-source version of the classic Jazz Jackrabbit games.

Linked below is a work of progress video of Open Jazz.

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Sonic Roboblast 2 WIP (Pandora Game Port)

Pickle ( ) is heavily busy, porting a bunch of games to the Pandora.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 is a 3D homebrew Sonic themed game using a 3rd person camera view. The game engine is based off the Doom engine.

Linked below is a work of progress video of Sonic Robo Blast 2.

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