iFlickr v0.0.7.2 (iPhone Application)

pradeepta updated his native iPhone application iFlickr. It allows you to use the webservice Flickr userfriendly via your iPhone.

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PSP Quake v1.1 (PSP Game Port)

Juraj Styk has udpates his port of PSP Quake 1 based on the PSP Quake port by Peter Mackay and Chris Swindle.


– Fixed bug that prevented changing sky texture between levels (HW rendering only)
– Fixed z-buffer related bug when rendering sprites (HW rendering only)
– Added options to turn on vertical synchronization and dithering (HW rendering only)
– Reorganized options menu (Select ‘more options’/’less options’ to switch options list)
– Added more options for analog stick controls
– Added analog stick strafing (while you hold stafe button or always if allowed options menu )
– Configurable heap size
– MP3 playback changed from madlib library to playback trough module in firmware
– New command line options
– Simple startup screen to choose game mod directory, heap size and cpu clock (use -prompt command line option)

This game is for PSP with firmware versions custom firmwares (should work on fw 1.5 but it was not tested on fw 1.5). Developed and tested on PSP with firmware version ‘3.40 OE’. For running mods you will need files from full version of Quake.

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MNPlight v2.23 (iPhone Application)

MNPlight aims at getting rid of the need for a computer with iTunes. It runs on your iPhone, and is able to modify the iPhone calendar, address book and iPod databases.

MNPlight can be of particular interest for Linux users who don’t have iTunes, but it can also be used by other users when they want to update their iPhone data when they are away from their iTunes computer.

If you keep using iTunes, you may experiment problems with the Calendar and the Address Book since modifications done on your iPhone won’t be seen by iTunes.


Fixed the fact that the function to use FireWireGUID was not called 🙁

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iBirthday (iPhone Application)

Don’t want to miss your friends birthday? iBirthday will help!

For now this application is only available in italian language. You can download it via it’s repo at

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Positron v0.5 (Alpha) (Android Application misc)

Android instrumentations are powerful tools for automating android applications and make a nice fit for automated acceptance testing.

Positron provides an instrumentation and some support classes to help writing acceptance tests. It is provided as a jar that gets bundled with your application.

Right now acceptance tests are written in junit. Support for running scripts from resources is planned…

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DressUp v0.2 (iPhone misc)

DessUp is some kind of fun application. It let you load a picture and modify it with putting different kind of textiles etc on it.


Multi-wardrobe support. After stopping a frame, you can now go back to the wardrobe and add more costumes.

“Dismiss Mode”. You can now switch from move mode (where you move around the costume elements) to dismiss mode (a tap removes costumes). Use this to clean up your picture before snapping it.

Clean picture taking. I now hide the status bar and the navigation bars before snapping pictures.

Snap to Album. By request, you can now snap photos to your album rather than just sending them by email.

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iPhone Utilities v0.10 (iPhone Application)

The iPhone Utilities are updated to 0.10 and include abquery (address book command line lookup), pumpkin (vibration tool), and noteit (command line notes control).

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Erica Utilities v0.55 (iPhone Application)

Erica Sadun has updated his/her(?) collection of utilities for the iPhone.

Following utilities are with this pack:

Individual Utilities
Alert is pretty much your one-utility source for all command-line alerts. It lets you customize text, buttons, and images and offers special features like timed alerts (no human intervention necessary) and progress indicators. Run at the command line for the full documentation and feature set. An early version of alert is documented here

Like snapngo, autosnap grabs the contents of the screen and serves it via bonjour. Unlike snapngo, autosnap automatically names and serves files and can be triggered from your Mac using FileCatcher. Tap on the “File Throw Auto Snap” server and your iPhone snaps a picture and shares it to your Mac. The file appears on your desktop.

catch and throw
Command-line bonjour file sharing. Throw a file to another iPhone or iPod touch, where you catch it. Each takes one argument. Throw requires the file to send. Catch uses the path to save to, e.g. throw foo.amr and catch newsound.amr.

You supply a string and doAlert opens an alert window with that string.

doPrompt opens an alert window with a string you supply and prompts the user to enter a text reply. The utility prints the result to stdout. (For Greg Hartstein by request)

You supply a string and doQuery opens an alert window with that string asking “Yes” or “No”. After running, you can get the result in $? (For Benanzo by request)

Takes one argument, the URL to open in Mobile Safari.

Scrapes the current ip-address used by your iPhone or iPod touch.

Play an audio or video file from the command line on either iPod touch or iPhone.

When run, determines whether the host is or is not an iPhone. If so, the environmental variable $? gets set to 1. If not, to 0. This lets you run an if statement in your shell script immediately after.

Phonetime converts iPhone times into understandable dates, and will return the current time and the epoch time on request.

Property List utility modeled on OS X’s plutil.

Restart issues a launchctl command that restarts SpringBoard. Use this utility whenever you add or remove Applications to update the display and SpringBoard to recognize new items.

For iPhone or iPod touch with mail configured. SendFileByMail takes, at this time, one argument, a file to send by mail. It opens the mail program, creates a new message with that attachment.

Sometimes you just want to peek at a picture without having to bring it back to your development platform. showPic lets you do exactly that, with some crude resizing ability (double-tap is not supported yet but pinching is). Just give it one argument, the name of the picture to display.

Snap grabs the contents of the screen and saves it to a snapshot in png format. Snap takes one argument, the name of the file to snap to.

Thoroughly updated with better fidelity, this utility snaps a picture of your screen and adds it to your Photos library on the iPhone and (possibly) the iPod touch–even though that doesn’t have a camera. It’s unclear whether the iPod touch will sync to its album.

Snapngo grabs the contents of the screen and then serves it via bonjour, using the file name you specify, e.g. snapngo fileshot will send fileshot.png to whatever device is listening for it. This is meant to be used with FileCatcher, so you can snap on your iPod touch or iPhone and the file instantly appears on your Mac Desktop.

Sound takes one argument (y or n) and enables or disables system sound.

Takes two arguments, a number (in seconds) and a string. This displays the string as an alert for that number of seconds and then auto dismisses. (by request for Benanzo)

Very basic command-line app hiding toggle. It adds or removes application identifiers from the Special category.

Convert a file to JPEG. Meant for use with PNG. Be aware however, that the iPhone will read a png file that you just rename to jpg. This is meant more for files that must be in JPEG when sent back to your personal computer.

Xwidg supports transferring your non-standard Applications into /var/root/Applications. It links to them via the undocumented /Widgets folder. Xwidg creates or deletes the folder and restarts SpringBoard. This lets you easily hide all third party apps (good for Genius Bar visits) or link them back. Xwidg takes no arguments. It looks for /Widgets and remove the symbolic link if present or adds it when absent.

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Playaudio (13-01-2008) (iPhone Application)

Playaudio now supports the playback of videos.

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ToDo v0.03 (iPhone Application)

ToDo is an application which let you track what to do, of course you have to fill it first. It’s now international, because umlauts are supported with this and upcomming releases.

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