DSBoy v0.75 (GBC emu for NDS)

Brunni has updates his Gameboy emulator for Nintendo DS.

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DungeonS v0.1 (NDS Game)

OutOfRange has updated his Nethack style game DungeonS. Thanks to for the news.

Release notes:

I ran into a couple of problems this week that practically halted development of the game, since you couldn’t play the game because of them, and thus needed to be sorted out. Thankfully, they are now history, and I have been able to progress with the development. The biggest step forwards has been the start of the story mode, which features a character creation screen, where you can roll to try and improve your stats, change the hero’s name, and (in the future) choose a class for your hero. Currently, there are only five levels, and they still need a little work, but they do show the game working, and how it will look in the finished version. However, there are still a number of things I have planned that remain to be added, such as;

# I’m aiming for about 50 levels.
# Every ten levels, you get a “camping” screen, where you can (hopefully) save and purchase items from the shop.
# Adding the storyline, so you know why you’re there…
# Extra dungeon items, such as teleporters, to add some puzzle elements
# Greater variety of weapons and armour for each class.
# Better AI (as it’s just placeholder AI at the moment)

For two weeks development, I’m somewhat happy with how it’s turned out so far, especially due to some of the bugs I’ve had. It’s not the most complex game in the history of the world, but hopefully, with the features I have planned, I’ll increase my knowledge of c++, especially since I had practically none prior to starting this game.

I have just d/led the latest version of no$gba, and the buttons on the title screen don’t show at first… but they appear if you click the screen… don’t know what that’s about, will look into it -.-

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PocketNES (06-10-2007) (NES emu for GBA)

Dewit has updated his NES emulator for Gameboy Advance.

This is a ROM-based build. It must be exectued from ROM on a flash cartridge/supercard/m3. It will not multiboot at all. It should still work as a pogoshell plugin, just not as a multiboot plugin.

This version finally has working savestates (Based on GBAMP verison, does NOT load old savestates at all).

The big new feature is that it supports roms up to 256k compressed with the newest NesPack. (had to change the file format to add checksum information, old compressed files do not load) Cheatfinder is disabled for 256k sized compressed roms.

There are still a few crash bugs here and there.

Please test heavily, report anything that isn’t behaving perfectly.

Thanks to for the news.

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Cube Breakout v3.5 (NDS Game)

sephiroth ff7 updated his 3D Breakout game “Cube Breakout”.

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Cooking Timer v1.0 (NDS Application)

Infantile Paralysiser released an update to his “Cooking Timer”.

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PSPXTI v1.2.1 (Slim) (Fat) (TI92 emu for PSP)

PSPXTI is a TI-92 Calculator emulator for PSP.


– Now compatible with custom firmwares 3.x and PSP-slim
– Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when
L or R are pressed
– It has been linked with latest IR keyboard library
so it should work better with Palm Keyboard
– The power ‘^’ character is now properly mapped
on IR keyboard
– Add a simple intro splash screen
– Support iso8859-1 fonts in print text functions
(might be useful to translate menus in german, french …)
– Bug fix and code cleaning

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PSPX48 v1.1.0 (Slim) (Fat) (HP48 emu for PSP)

PSPX48 is a HP48 calculator emulator for PSP.


– Now compatible with custom firmwares 3.x and PSP-slim
– Bug fix and code cleaning
– New help menu

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PDRoms – Important notice (misc)

Dear visitor,

For those who know about the current “alpha testing page”, please keep it TOP SECRET. If PDRoms is fully back, then it will be located at where it used to be.

So far we only have around 700 files back up and we feel it’s not enough – considering we had more than 2000 files, before the file archive disappeared.

At this moment a kudos to celeth, the coder, who is working his ass off again! He was spending plenty of hours the past three days to improve and make the “new” PDRoms release ready.

Currently we expirience layout problems because IE doesn’t follow all standards. What is done so far…

* “Main News” on the front page, which covers all systems
* Three main RSS feeds – News, Latest Files, Latest File Updates
* System specific news page along with homebrew downloads. Including RSS feeds (Latest “insert system here” Files and Latest “insert system name here” news
* Most uploads do have a screenshot and YES, the long requested thumbnail preview has been coded and is beeing activly used!

Time for some sleep now… I might post some more information in the webboard late at night.

Please again, if you know about the “alpha testing page” don’t spread the URL. You have been given this information in trust, any PUBLIC leak of the URL might turn into the page beeing delayed a lot, as everything is alpha and the page could get messed up easily and work of months can be destroyed in no time.

Thanks for your understanding and myself along the PDRoms team can assure you, that the time of waiting will be over soon.


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BallGame v0.49 (GP2x Game)

BallGame is a remake of the Arcade game “Uo Poko” by Roman H.,0,0,0,27,1074

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PSP Systeminfo v1.00 (PSP Application)

PSP Systeminfo is giving you various system information about your PSP.

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