Magic Teams secret GBA project uncovered (GBA misc)

The secret has been uncovered now – Magic Team is working on a remake of Rick Dangerous 2.

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PDRoms RSS Feed (misc)

If you can read this, congratulations! You seem to be privileged enough to recieve the brandnew RSS feed from the to be soon reborn PDRoms.

PDRoms wont be back online as webpage for another while, _but_ with this feed you should recieve regular news again, hopefully in the usual quality and speed. To mention it again: Following any links to will NOT work yet 🙂

Kudos to celeth, who is coding his ass off! 😉

We are also looking for three reliable beta tester, more information at the PDRoms Webboard located at

Or you can visit us at EFNET #pdroms, but don’t expect a very talk-active channel 😉

On a sidenote: The new PDR will allow posting of approved members, coders are welcome to join when the time has come and spread their news directly to a hughe audience without delay. If you want to know more about this, please try to catch me either on the webboard or on EFNET. I also do have ICQ, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, MSN, Yahoo Messenger and Jabber on request.

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Magic Teams secret GBA project (GBA misc)

Magic Team (Gouky & Foxy) have unveiled their new secret project, but in fact it still remains a secret project.

Happy guessing what it could be 🙂

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carVup v0.2 (GBA Game)

Gouky has just updated his game once again two hours ago. This version fixes a scrolling bug and two more bugs.

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gpSP2X v9006 (GBA emu for GP2x)

gpSP2X is an official GP2X port of gpSP, a GBA emulator written from scratch by Exophase. But it’s more than just a port, as zodttd has tweaked it specifically for the GP2X with features such as overclocking the CPU, RAM, and LCD tweaks.

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GReader2X v0.2 (GP2x Application)

GReader2X aims to be a highly configurable text reader for the GP2x console.

It allows you to set the background and foreground colours and set the keys to use. It allows you to use any truetype font that you care to install on the GP2x as well as setting the font size and normal/bold attributes.

It correctly wraps text so that words are not broken at the right margin. Note: it may be necessary to modify Gutenberg texts to remove the hard return at the end of each line to get the best results.

GReader2X will remember your position in each document and will automatically go to that position when the document is opened. Further, if you exit Greader2X with a document displayed, the same document will be displayed when you next run GReader2X.,0,0,0,8,2080

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River Crossing (GP2x Game)

River Crossing is designed a classical Game & Watch type game. As the game already tells, you have to try to cross a river. The game has been coded by Dr_Ian.,0,0,0,37,2081

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GP2XMB (11-03-2007) (GP2x Application)

GP2XMB is an alternative launcher for the GP2X, with the same visual layout as the Cross Media Bar.

Cross Media Bar officially abbreviated as XMB, is a GUI system developed by Sony. It was originally used in the PSX media center as the user interface. The interface features icons, which are spread horizontally across the screen. Navigation moves the icons, instead of a cursor. These icons are used as categories to organize the options available to the user. When an icon is selected on the horizontal bar, several more appear vertically, above and below it (selectable by the up and down directions on a directional pad). The Cross Media Bar is used as the default interface on both the PlayStation Portable and the PlayStation 3.

Description taken from Wikipedia.

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MIDI In and Out Hardware for DS (NDS misc)

Natrium42 posted schematics, pictures and brief instructions for connecting MIDI input and output to DS to the DSerial Wiki. MIDI output is very easy, because it requires no components besides wire and a 5-pin DIN connector. MIDI input, on the other hand, requires a 3.3V optocoupler because MIDI uses a current loop to prevent introduction of noise.

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DualChannel Beta 3 (NDS Application)

Grizzly Adams has released a third beta of DualChannel.

Notes from the author:

You’ll need 80×48 pcx icons for all your applications, some samples are included. Applications are looked for in the Apps and Applications folders of your card if present. Upto 60 files can currently be indexed by this menu. This is due to the fact all the icons are loaded at boot.

Many features are still not implemented. A default skin is included, feel free to make your own skins. The loader has a early dldi patching function that tries to find a dldi patch matching the card the file is on. If this doesn’t work try any alt versions of dldi patches for your card or removing all the dldi patches from the folder. The dldi patch filename must match the 4 letter cardid (SCSD SCCF NMMC NJDS R4DS…) if it is to be found.

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