PDRoms Submit News (PDRoms misc)

Kojote thought it would be good to mention that we have a”Submit News”form again.If you are developer and want to make sure that your news are spread as fast as possible, please make use of this feature. If you are not developer but know of an uncovered release, feel free to use the”Submit News”form too.We accept news for any featured system on PDRoms. May it be a binary, a source release, a magazine to be read with your favorite handheld or console, and so on. If you use this form the news will be spread to the currently active PDRoms staff. This will grant a fast processing time.Thanks for reading!Submit News Form: we are at it! We also have a webboard at:’qako/pdroms

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VecX PS2 (Vectrex emu for PS2)

VecX PS2 is an”enhanced”port of the Vectrex game console emulator”VecX”. Enhancements include:

  • basic audio emulation (AY-3-8910 chip)
  • analog stick support
  • vector”persistence”effect using GS alphablending function.
  • NB: This version is designed to load Vectrex roms from a USB memory stick (flash drive) ONLY.

    To use the emulator, you will need to be able to boot homebrew on your PS2, and you will need a memory stick (older JetFlash sticks don’t seem to work). Instructions are in the readme file.

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    Atari800 DC v0.76 (Atari800 emu for DC)

    Atari800 is an Atari 800, 800XL, 130XE and 5200 emulator. pavelbure has made a Dreamcast port which is now at v0.76. The main changes are:

  • use Atari800 cvs code base as of jan-27-2006
  • use KOS svn code base version 289
  • unplugging/replugging controllers after atari800dc has started up works now
  • screen update is now done by an assembler routine
  • You can get the source and binaries (no CD images, since there are copyrighted BIOS ROMs and games/programs needed to make a CD).

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    DeathChase v0.0.1 Beta (GP2x Game Port)

    BNrXYZ is currently working on a port of DeathChase 3D. The first playable version is out. The game needs a re-work of the control options. Suggestions can be left at the release thread.

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    PAlib v0.995a (NDS misc)

    PAlib is a sort of coding library for the Nintendo DS by Mollusk.

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    Insane Island v0.45 (GBA Game)

    Image provided by: JapiInsane Island is a RPG by Jap for the Gamboy Advance.

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    Banjo Advance (Demo) (GBA Game)

    Image provided by: omgomg has released a first demo of his game”Banjo Advance”. It’s going to be a jump’n’run game a la Donkey Kong.

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    Luigi Puzzle v1.1 (GBA Game)

    Image provided by: N64FrancoisN64Francois has updated his game”Luigi Puzzle”.

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    OpenJazz32 (05-02-2006) (GP32 Port misc)

    Image provided by: A600OpenJazz is the free, open-source re-implementation of the classic Jazz Jackrabbit(tm) game engine. OpenJazz is currently pre-alpha, but is still playable.

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    MadPlayGP2x (GP2x Application Source)

    MadPlayGP2x is a command line MP3 player for the GP2x. The sources can now be obtained from:,0,0,0,46,1221

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