DROD – Architect Edition v0.9 (GP2x Game Port)

DROD (Deadly Rooms of Death) is a Dungeon crawling / Puzzle game developed by Caravel Games.

Its principle is simple: you inspect dungeons, you fight monsters with your sword, in turn-by-turn combats. But the silly architecture of these dungeons makes these fights extremely challenging and versatile.

As the GP2X screen is a bit small for this game, a zooming feature, allowing the user to display the whole DROD screen or to zoom on any part of it, is implemented.,0,0,0,26,2209

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Cube Breakout v1.5 (NDS Game)

sephiroth ff7 has released a new version of Cube Breakout, a 3D Arkanoid/Breakout game.

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VTT DS (Alpha 1) (NDS Game)

CyBeRCeD has released a new game called VTT DS, which is currently in alpha stage.

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MAME GP2X v4.0 (Multiple Arcade emu for GP2x)

A new version of GP2x MAME is out! Most ofthe improvements in this version were done by Slaanesh.


– Updated vlm5030 sound system. Provides speech and sound effects in a number of games like
Yie Ar Kung Fu, Jail Break, Track and Field (and clones) or Salamander.
– Updated DAC sound system. Please use audio clock 100% for DAC games as they rely heavily
on precise timing. Ie. Donkey Kong, etc.
– Update to FM sound system re: disappearing sound. Bug REALLY fixed this time. :-).
– Added tilemapping code. Useful for adding new games and improving existing games.
– Updated Xain’D Sleena to use tilemaps. Large increase in speed. Plays nicely at 240Mhz.
– Updated Ghost’n Goblins to tilemaps. More tilemap games to come!.
– Fixed bug introduced in 3.9 re: samples not playing in Gorf, Wizard of Wor and Berzerk.
– Update to Sega System 8 games. Speed to games like Choplifter.
– Fixed Wonderboy in Monster Land (bootleg). Now playable with good sound.
– Bug fix to Time Pilot (memory leak).

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Skinz Sudoku (12-06-2007) (NDS Game)

Skinz Sudoku by Mollusk has seen an update today. Previous release was Beta 2, this release does not have any version number on first sight.

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NewDictS v0.7 (NDS Application)

Phillips released a working homebrew translator with fat support for DS several weeks ago . He only published it in chinese so it seems that it did not get attention from the english speaking community. The program, which is using stardict dictionary files (, is currently running on R4 (Thanks Phillips!!), M3SD and SCSD.

Thanks to Uwe for the news.

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Line Drawer (NDS misc)

Nimish released a screensaver type application for the NDS.

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Lameboy DS v0.8 (NES emu for NDS)

A new version of Lameboy DS is out, which is a NES emulator for the Nintendo DS.


* fixed: GBC speed change did not work for some games (like Mario Bros Deluxe)
* fixed: interrupt priority
* fixed: corrected timers interrupt frequency
* fixed: tile in foreground color 0 is transparent
* added: preliminary sound emulation
* added: auto save on exit to rom menu

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GPFCE v0.4 r162 (NES emu for GP2x)

Notaz has updated his NES emu for the GP2x.,0,0,0,5,2136

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Cal2X v1.5 (GP2x Application)

Cal2X is a calculator application for the GP2x by Baek Jonghyeon.

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