The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.
We talk Atari ST VS Amiga gaming, Vampire games and coding for classic systems with Dimitris Giannakis aka Modern Vintage Gamer!
The Tube is a freeware minimalistic youtube browser based on youtube-dl and mplayer.
– update youtube-dl
– allow use of mplayer from panplayer2, this improves tearing
– change video player with m, saves last used
– config of video player may need some fine tuning (for e.g. tv out)
ptitSeb ported PPSSPP to the OpenPandora handheld. PPSSPP is an open source project, licensed under the GPL 2.0 (or later).
PPSSPP is a PSP emulator written in C++, and translates PSP CPU instructions directly into optimized x86, x64 and (soon) ARM machine code, using an efficient JIT compiler. PPSSPP can thus run on quite low-spec hardware, including stronger Android phones and tablets, as long as there’s support for OpenGL ES 2.0.
* In sync with the git repo
Farkle by SoBo Apps is a fun dice game that can be played by the entire family! Watch it, it’s addicting! Farkle is a dice game that has also been called or is similar to 1000/5000/10000, Cosmic Wimpout, Greed, Hot Dice, Squelch, Zilch, Zonk, or Darsh to name but a few. OhFark is played by two players (Not Online), with each player in succession having a turn at rolling the dice. Each player’s turn results in a score, and the scores for each player accumulate to some winning total (usually 10,000).

* Oreo 8.1
OpenTTD is an open source clone of the Microprose game “Transport Tycoon Deluxe”, a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features.
1.7.2 (2017-12-24)
1.7.2-RC1 (2017-12-11)
– Change: When train depots have a horizontal scrollbar, allow scrolling 1 tile beyond the longest train, so you can actually attach a wagon at the end (r27937)
– Fix: When moving wagons in the depot, the drag highlight did not exactly match the length of the dragged wagon chain (r27936)
– Fix: [Win32] Right mouse scrolling didn’t work properly with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update [FS#6629] (r27935)
– Fix: Forest, candyfloss forest and battery farm skipped the first animation frame [FS#6639] (r27932)
– Fix: Glyphs in range U+0020 to U+00FF may only be defined in orig_extra.grf, not in openttd.grf [FS#6620] (r27915)
– Fix: ‘unban’ console command was not handling IPv6 adresses properly (r27914, r27913)
– Fix: Keep the ‘link’ between industry chain and smallmap windows whenever possible [FS#6585] (r27905)
– Fix: When the last vehicle is removed from a shared orders group, hide the ‘Stop sharing’ button in the vehicle orders window [FS#6593] (r27904)
– Fix: Tooltip of ‘increase service interval’ said ‘decrease’ [FS#6606] (r27895)
– Fix: Console command parser passed invalid strings to the debug output, if command lines had many parameters [FS#6576] (r27884, r27883)
RetroArch is a modular multi-system emulator system that is designed to be fast, lightweight, and portable. Starting with v1.3.6, RetroArch users can download compatible freeware content, such as the shareware release of Doom, right from the app.
List of included libretro cores:
NES: FCEU, Nestopia, QuickNES
SNES: PocketSNES, SNES9x-Next
GBC: Gambatte, TGB Dual
GBA: Meteor, VBA
Genesis / Sega CD: Genesis Plus
Saturn: Yabause (Very slow!)
Playstation: PCSX-ReARMed
Atari 2600: Stella
Chip8/16: Maxe
Arcade: iMAME4all, MAME078, Final Burn Alpha
Mednafen cores: PCE-Fast, WSwan, PSX
Natives: NXEngine (Cave Story), PrBoom (Doom)
– CHEEVOS: Add badges for achievements, shows thumbnail images of achievements.
– CHEEVOS: Leaderboard support.
– CHEEVOS: Only disable savestates on hardcore mode if achievements are not available.
– COMMANDLINE: Fix fullscreen toggle switch.
– COMMON: Add ‘Automatically Load Content To Playlist’ feature, enabled by default.
– COMMON: Fix slowmotion ratio always being reset back to 1.
– COMMON: Optimized NBIO implementations now for Apple, Windows, and Linux. Uses mmap for Linux/Windows/BSD if/when available. File I/O should now be much faster for loading images inside the menu.
– COMMON: Native Blissbox support now for latest firmware as of writing (2.0). Implementation through libusb and/or native Windows HID.
– COMMON: New lightgun API.
– COMMON: New VFS (Virtual File System) API.
– COMMON: Fixed some playlist bugs.
– COMMON: New snow shader.
– COMMON: Fix Quick Menu title, no longer shows ‘Select File’.
– COMMON: Fix loading cores that require no content one after another.
– COMMON: Map Delete key to Y button for non-unified menu keyboard controls.
– COMMON: Fix for relative paths being normalised and generating a duplicate history entry.
– EMSCRIPTEN: Fix references to browserfs.
– FREEBSD: Support libusb HID input driver.
– HAIKU: Buildfix.
– INPUT: Map clear button to DEL key.
– LINUX/X11: Add RetroArch logo to window title bar.
– LINUX/X11: Input driver now supports new lightgun code.
– LINUX/X11: Support window transparency (requires a compositing window manager).
– LOBBIES: Fix for crash on join netplay rooms via touch / glui.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese-Brazilian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Russian translation.
– MENU: Snowflake menu shader effect.
– OSX/PPC: Fix the GL2 renderchain, had to use EXT versions of framebuffer/renderbuffer functions.
– PS3: HTTP requests / downloads should now work.
– PS3: Core Updater now works.
– PS3: Improved font rendering, enable STB Unicode font renderer.
– PSP: Make it work with Vita’s Adrenaline.
– PSP: Fix audio sync.
– PSP: Fix content loading, port should be functional again.
– PSP: Use 64MB when available.
– SCANNER: Fix crash from Windows-incompatible format string.
– VITA: Improve packaging, installation times.
– WIIU: Disabled the controller patcher for now since it was the source of many stability issues.
– VULKAN: Various stability fixes for WSI.
– WINDOWS: Add MSVC 2017 solution.
– WINDOWS: Get rid of the empty console window in MSVC 2010 builds.
– WINDOWS: Raw input driver now supports new lightgun code.
– WINDOWS: Use configured OSD/text message color on GDI driver.
– WINDOWS/XINPUT: Populate XInput VID/PID from DInput so autoconfig doesn’t rely solely on joypad names
– WINDOWS/XINPUT: Fix crash that occurs in some situations with Steam running and a Steam Controller plugged in.
– WINDOWS: Improve version reporting under System Information.
– WINDOWS: Support window transparency.
– WINDOWS: Correct usage of GetWindowPlacement per MS docs, fixes game window position on Win95/98.
– WINDOWS: Added Visual Studio 2017 support.
bubble2k16 updated Exophase‘s TemperPCE for the Nintendo 3DS. It’s a TurboGrafx / PC-Engine emulator to the old 3DS and old 2DS. This port heavily relies on the 3DS’s 3D GPU hardware to achieve 60 FPS (or close to 60 with frame skips).

FPse for Android is the fastest and most compatible PSone/Playstation 1/PSX emulator for handheld devices. FPse is able to render PSone games in high resolution by using OpenGL which gives outstanding graphics!
– Fixed the 10 most reported bugs, like cheat codes menu which didn’t work on some devices
The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.
Paul Drury from Retro Gamer magazine and Oliver Wilmot from the National Video Game Arcade return to try to keep their title as reigning quiz champions.
How will their fare against Ravi and Joe from The Retro Hour Podcast in a battle of video game and computer knowledge?!
Merry Christmas to all our loyal listeners, see you in 2018.
FBI is an open source file and title manager by Steveice10 for the Nintendo 3DS. Discussion via GBAtemp.
* Add retry option to most operations.
* Display TitleDB-provided version string in title info display.
* Expand sorting options for titles and ext save data.
– Titles can be sorted by title ID, name, or size.
– Ext Save Data can be sorted by ID or name.
– Disabling all sorting options leaves the items in the order they are provided by the 3DS OS.