This Homebrew-Game is a simulation of more famouse Tic Tac Toe or simply the Tris.
– Significantly improved the speed of HB
– Implemented 3 levels of difficulty
– Implemented the game mode 1 VS 1
– HB Translated into 4 languages: ITA, ENG, SPA, FRA
– Now the options you can select the language, symbols of the game, cursor, background and difficulties
– Redesigned EBOOT
Exter updated his Rubik’s Cube game for Playstation Portable.
– Changed:
– The way the cube is scrambled (Added a cube size menu).
– View angle buttons changed to L + Start.
– Added:
– Different sized cubes (from 2^3 to 5^3).
Note: The controls for 4^3 and 5^3 cubes are different (see the Readme
for details). 3^3 and 2^3 cubes have the same controls as in previous
– Time record at the bottom left of the screen.
– Moves record at the bottom right of the screen.
Thanks to for the news.
This project is simply a CHome/Titanium plugin which displays your next galarm event. It is not affiliated with GAlarm or its developers in any way. It is a stopgap solution until GAlarm builds proper support in.
– Added G-Profile support
– Added pages for each alarm and profile
– Other improvements all over
– More reliable code
Added Jul 15, 2009, Under:
signCheck is a homebrew application wich checks if your IOSes can use the fakesigning. Uses TMD and TIK forging by PatchMii, SU ident by Any Region Changer.
0.3b – Fixed a little bug wich made incorrect headers in .csv reports.
Biniax is an original and unique arcade logic game. It requires just a minute to learn the rules and you will get hours of gameplay.
The gaming field is a 5×7 grid filled partially with pairs of elements. Every pair consists of two different elements combined of four possible. You control the box with an element inside. You can move around the field on empty spaces. You can also remove pairs of elements, if you have the same element as the one of the pair. When you remove the pair your element becomes the other one element of the pair and the score is increased; The gaming field scrolls down slowly (increasing the speed with your progress) and your goal is to stay as long as possible on the field. Remember, that if you can not take the pair in front of you, the scrolling will move your block down!
Biniax-2 is original and entertaining game. Takes a minute to learn and gives you hours and hours of gameplay. Discover the different Biniax-2 faces – for action heroes or careful strategists.
Biniax-2 is the successor of Biniax – innovative game, recognized for it’s unique gameplay. While Biniax is pure game mechanics, Biniax-2 has three game modes (two singleplayer and one multiplayer), hall of fame, dynamic music and nice cartoon look.,0,0,0,3,109
Warhawk DS is a game for the Nintendo DS coded in 100% ARM assembler. Here comes a small update, to make the game even more enjoyable!
Warhawk DS is based on a much earlier game released on the C64 in 1986, and is more of a re-imagining than a remake. One thing that was intended to retain was the ‘old school’ feel to the game, and this is hopefully something has been achieved. The downside to keeping the feel is that those of you brought up on present day games may find this a little difficult? It is not an easy ride to clear the 16 levels, though a consession has been made for the modern-day gamer in the addition of continues.
The game has 16 normal levels and also upon completion, another 16 mental levels become available. It is worth finishing the mental levels for the true completion and credit sequence.
Thanks to elkmoose for the news hint!
Giana’s Return aims to be a worthy inofficial sequel of “The Great Giana Sisters”. “The Great Giana Sisters” is an alltime classic Jump’N’Run game made in the late eighties mainly by Armin Gessert, Manfred Trenz and Chris Hülsbeck and gained massive attention as “Super Mario” copy, but still had it’s very own charme and fanbase.
Giana’s Return – Features:
* 7 Worlds, with each 8 Levels – followed by a “big boss”
* Power Ups and Extras
* Oldschool style pixeled sprites and tiles
* Wonderful hand drawn backgrounds
* Illustrated hand drawn storyline
* Over 18 Tracks of finest chip music!
* Multi-Language: German, English, French, Spanish
* Password and/or save game (depending on release platform)
* Hidden Warp Zones and Bonus Caves
* Hidden Trainer
* TOP 10 Highscore
Giana’s Return – Team:
Rudolphe Boixel (Thor) – Main Coder
Shahzad Sahaib (Kojote) – Project Organizer & Level Design
Jane S. Mumford (Jayne) – Graphics Artwork
Alexander Oldemeier (Operator) – Music
David Wuttke (AM-FM) – Music
Adam Karol (Wizzard) – Graphics Artwork
Simon Butler – Graphics Artwork
Virgil Metier (tHUG) – Graphics Artwork
Christian Hildenbrand (DayDream) – Graphics Artwork
Denny Müller (Mulle) – Main Beta Testing
Ed Mandy (Flavor) – WIZ Port
The official Giana’s Return page is located here at
This release is a PUBLIC BETA to gain feedback and take suggestions for the final version. You are more than welcome to let the authors know your two or three cents.
Please do not MIRROR the release file, the beta’s official download is here at PDRoms! Thank you!
Android PDF Viewer is a viewer for PDF-Files on ANDROID mobiles. The implementation will be a port of the PDF-Renderer which is published by SUN under the LGPL:
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