Your goal in Paper Plane 2 is to get to the other side of the rooms, without touching any of the objects.
There are a lot of improvements in Paper Plane 2, compared to the the first part:
– You can adjust Game Speed for different difficult-Levels
– You can adjust SoundEffects-Volume, Music-Volume and Global Volume
-50 different Levels and some are really hard so you’ll spend time with it to beat it 😀
– Some new ideas to make the game more varied
As the author only owns GLBasic SDK Lite the game is compiled in Demo mode, which only allows five minutes of gameplay. An unrestricted version will be made public, once the author has money for a full GLBasic license.
Added Jul 16, 2009, Under:
Bloody Mess Mobile is a top-down shooter game for mobile phones with J2ME MIDP 2.0 profile & bluetooth support. It is based on famous PC game Crimsonland & allows you to fight hordes of monsters on you mobile phone!
Release notes:
Small bug was found in v1.4 release: due to changing default lcdui font to graphical font, mine indicator didn’t appear on the screen (this indicator shows that player has the bomb). This issue is fixed in this hotfix.
Added Jul 16, 2009, Under:
The linked file has the flash tool, a readme using the exact text in the flash tool, the *.dl files for both LCD versions, 3 firmware versions, the needed USB drivers and the default emulators and system directory.,0,0,0,42,110
All Mac users might be happy about this Wiz Toolchain in it’s first release form.,0,0,0,14,148
This is a falldown game for the GP2X, with music by TymPanic Productions (“Malaria” by Ilmarque).
Small update: ball moves 30% slower.,0,0,0,27,103
OpenTyrian is a port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian. Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter. The story is set in 20,031 where you play as Trent Hawkins, a skilled fighter-pilot employed to fight Microsol and save the galaxy. This port is done by smyp.,0,0,0,30,145
Nanodesktop is a general purpose software development kit (SDK) oriented to the creation of applications (scientific or general use) under embedded platforms like PSPE emulator or PSP (Sony Playstation Portable).
ndPython is an interpreter able to execute a Python program on every platform supported by Nanodesktop (like PSPE and PSP).
Super-resolution (SR) are techniques that in some way enhance the resolution of an imaging system.
There are different views as to what is considered an SR technique: some consider only techniques that break the diffraction-limit of systems, while others also consider techniques that merely break the limit of the digital imaging sensor as SR.
Filippo Battaglia at Visilab Research Center of the University of Messina has demonstrate the possibility of executing a SR algorithm on a simple embedded device as the Sony Playstation Portable. This result shall be possible through the use of Nanodesktop SDK.
The program ndSuperRes is the homebrew that results from
these researches and studies.
Here comes an updated early RPG Demo by Xteaph-N.
Release notes:
Everything has been completely rewritten. The Overworld uses tile based maps. Also the battle system has been rewritten to use table based systems as well.
Can another dev peer review my code. I’m not happy with it.
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