LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Fx702p Calculator v1.0.0.0 (Pandora Java Application Port)

Fx702p Calculator is a fully-featured Casio Fx702p emulator including the calculator mode, a full basic implementation and a original debugger as well as some sample programs.

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Firefox v20.0.0.0 (Pandora Browser Port)

The well known Mozilla Foundation‘s browser Firefox ported to Pandora by hdondk. The award-winning Firefox Web browser has security, speed and new features that will change the way you use the Web.

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PandaBAS v0.0.0.762 (05-04-2013) (Pandora misc Port)

PandaBAS is a Pandora port of the SpecBAS BASIC interpreter. Based on Sinclair BASIC, but allowing the user to take advantage of more modern hardware – 8bit graphics, sound samples/mod/mp3 etc, with a much more advanced graphics and windowing system.


* Added latest version of BASS sound library. No other changes.

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Aleona’s Tales v2.2.7.6 (Pandora Game Port)

Aleona’s Tales is a free real-time strategy game taking place in the fantasy world of Aleona. The engine, Stratagus, is a free cross-platform real-time strategy gaming engine. It includes support for playing over Internet/LAN, or playing vs. computer opponents. The engine is configurable and can be used to create games with a wide-range of features specific to your needs. Ported to Pandora by Canseco and Sam Watkins.

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Frozen Fruits v1.4.0.2 (Pandora game Port)

Frozen Fruits by Karli Corporation is an action-packed puzzle game. Where you destroy blocks by controlling your vertically bouncing ball by controlling its horizontal movement. Now includes FrozenFruits 2. Ported to Pandora by slaeshjag.

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Arora v0.11.0.06 (Pandora Browser Port)

Arora is a simple and quite light Web Browser based on QtWebKit. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.


* Corrected the dirty hack in Adblock so it can be re-enabled once disabled (and vice-versa).
* Added lastest libflashplayer, but doesn’t seems to works

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Courage (PCE Diskmag)

A diskmag in 2013 and then even for the PC Engine! Thanks Chris Covell for Courage!

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Rockbot v1.0 (Beta 4) (Game for Pandora, PSP & PS2)

Rockbot is a Megaman fan game with level editor.


* Memory leaks fixed
* Killing NPCs drop items
* Editable colorcycle
* Editable link to final boss teleporter room (one has 8, other has 9 teleporters)
* Editable “can fly” property for NPCs
* Better edition for boss faces on stage
* Do not show empty dialogs
* Editable Artifical Inteligences for non-boss NPCs
* Fix the old scroll-lock (screen not moving) bug
* Disappearing blocks
* NPCs returning after dead when out-of-screen
* Logic in editor for jet and coil items
* Logic in game for drop items
* Save on quit/leave
* Fix sound in PS2
* Can set NPC weapons (2) on editor
* New font, new music, new graphics
* SEVERAL, and I mean really SEVERAL bug fixes
* Interrupt charging on door, death and when leaving stage
* Save Castle stages
* Password system
* PSP Port
* 5 Skull Castle stages (with no NPCs yet)

Pandora Port:
PSP Port:
PS2 Port:

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ASCIIpOrtal v1.2.c.03 (Pandora Game Port)

ASCIIpOrtal by Cymons Games is a text based puzzle game inspired by the popular video game. In ASCIIpOrtal you overcome challenges by placing portal way-points, joining two points in the map. If they player or any object passes through one portal way-point it will seamlessly exit the other. Since both way-points are the same point on the map the player’s view through the portal reflects this and space warps around you as you pass through the portal. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.


* corrected packaging so last level is saved at exit.

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Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe (OpenTTD) v1.3.0 (Wii Game Port)

OpenTTD is an open source clone of the Microprose game “Transport Tycoon Deluxe”, a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features. Ported to Wii by Extrems.


* Updates for 1.3.0 release.
* Exposed 720x480p & 720x576p resolutions.
* Resolved packaging issues.

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