Bleep is a music creation program with piano roll interface by Andrew G. Crowell. It lets you jam out chip music really quickly, and it writes directly into save memory, so your work is saved automatically. This is not the final version.
Back to Color by AntonioND for the Game Boy Color!
Super Philip is a Game Boy game by Light Games released for the BitBitJam 2014 coding competition. The King Bourbon has abdicated. His son, Super Philip, was heading to the coronation when he had a car accident. Mr. Spartan Escamelrut wants to end with the monarchy killing Super Philip.
Thing is a short Game Boy Color Demo by Goblinish. Nice to see people still care about this great Nintendo handheld.
Sanqui organizes a Gameboy Coding Competition. You can read details by following the official announcement.
You should never give up hope, people say. So you should think about the Gameboy scene. Fredrik Brundin and Dominic Buchholz present a brand new GB game in 2013! In Espionage you have to infiltrate an enemy base and gather as much data as you can.
Thanks to Frederik himself for the news!
Merry Christmas by ASM Retro Blog, Nordleof and Chris / Ultramega are Christmas greetings released in December 2012. Unfortunately this totally slipped under my radar…
At the recently held Datastorm 2013 demoparty, Genesis Project released a short but fine Gameboy classic demo named DMG*P-01. The music could have need a bit more pressure, but is okay overall. Two nice graphics are shown, which should at least convince you to spend time with the YouTube video.
Rez is a unique synthesizer program for the Nintendo Gameboy by nitro2k01. It crudely simulates a resonant filter in a way inspired by the resonance algorithm used by the Casio CZ series phase distortion synthesis. It can both produce sounds meant to emulate this effect, and sounds more reminiscent of a hard sync oscillator. It also produces a graphical pattern on the Gameboy screen.
Source via NESdev.
Demon Blood by Youth Uprising is an invitation intro for @party 2012, released at Pixel Jam 2012.