Pandora News
Dave Gnukem v0.66.110316.2 (Pandora Game Port)

Dave Gnukem is a 2D scrolling platform shooter similar to, and inspired by, Duke Nukem 1 (~1991). The source code is cross-platform and open source. It runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and more. Ported to Pandora by magic_sam.

Release notes:

– Default configuration provided: Left and Right to move, Up to use, (A) to jump and (B) to fire

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Dave Gnukem v0.66.110316.1 (Pandora Game Port)

Dave Gnukem is a 2D scrolling platform shooter similar to, and inspired by, Duke Nukem 1 (~1991). The source code is cross-platform and open source. It runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and more. Ported to Pandora by magic_sam.

Release notes:

– Dave Gnukem 0.66 (latest git commit from November the 3rd 2016)
– Compiled with ptitSeb ‘s Code::Blocks
– Added tweaks to the Makefile: new “install” target, -DDATA_DIR is set to /mnt/utmp/davegnukem-magicsam/data, etc…
– Source code is inside the PND

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Qmmp v1.1.6.0 (Pandora Application Port)

Qmmp is an audio-player, written with the help of the Qt library. The user interface is similar to winamp or xmms. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.

Release notes:

– Latest stable release. See Changelog.
– Updated libs and sources.

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RVGL v16.0505.0.08 (Pandora Game Port)

RVGL is a cross-platform rewrite / port of Re-Volt, the famous remote cars Racing game, that runs natively on both Windows and GNU/Linux and uses modern, open source components to power it. We currently use OpenGL for the graphics, OpenAL Soft for the audio, SDL for input and OS specific support and ENet for networking.

You will need the data from the original PC Re-Volt game to play.


* Updated URL for the download data script
* New build
* Updated libs

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robotfindskitten v1.0.1.1 (Pandora Game Port)

robotfindskitten: In a move that shocked the kitten-location industry, a group of hackers in the monastery beneath the sea have constructed a zen simulation that enables users with the premier kitten-finding robot technology.

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VChar64 v0.2.2.0 (Pandora misc)

VChar64 is an editor for the Commodore 64/128. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.


– Latest stable release. See CHANGELOG inside PND.
– Updated sources.

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Monster RPG 2 v2.12.9.03 (Pandora Game Port)

Monster RPG 2 is a fantasy quest that spans continents and worlds and lets you take a simple villager and develop her into a hero with the power to save her world. The next installment in the classic Monster RPG series, Monster RPG 2 is a turn-based role-playing game with enough variety, plot twists, secrets, and scenery to keep even the old school players coming back for more. If you loved the 16 bit classics on old console systems, you’ll love this game. If you’ve never heard of those games, you’re in for a real treat! Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.


* Fresh build with latest sources
* Updated Allegro to
* Config is new, so you need to reconfigure keys (default action is Space)

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Gravazoid v1.0.0.1 (Pandora Game Port)

Gravazoid is a twisted Arkanoid clone in curved spacetime by Jesper Öqvist and
Linus Åkesson. Released at Revision Rarty 2013. Ported to Pandora by farox.

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Lugaru v1.0.0.0 (Pandora Game Port)

Lugaru (pronounced Loo-GAH-roo) is the predecessor to Overgrowth. It is a DRM-free, third-person action game available for Mac, Windows, and Linux. The main character, Turner, is an anthropomorphic rebel bunny rabbit with impressive combat skills. In his quest to find those responsible for slaughtering his village, he uncovers a far-reaching conspiracy involving the corrupt leaders of the rabbit republic and the starving wolves from a nearby den. Turner takes it upon himself to fight against their plot and save his fellow rabbits from slavery.

Ported to Pandora lukey. This is an Up-to-date Version of Lugaru HD, now with the game data included as these been open-sourced too.

Lugaru HD - Wolfire Games

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Otter Browser v0.9.12.17 (Pandora Application Port)

Otter Browser aims to recreate the classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5. At then end you have a web browser controlled by the user and not vice-versa.


* Fixed a crash on certain media files

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