Technik is working on a 3D engine for Nintendo’s Wii, but read more:

Quote (little bit modified):

Hello, my nick is technik and I’m the developper of the Revoluion Engine.

It is a 3D games Engine for Wii. With it you may be able to easily create cool 3D homebrew games for you Wii’s and publish them. Now it’s still a “little baby” so many of it’s features aren’t available yet, but i’m already working for the next release.

This is the download link:

The main page of the project is with videos and more, but it’s all in spanish (because I am Spanish) as well as the license of the engine.

-Allows you to render full 3D Scenes in real time on your Wii with multiple dynamic Objects wich have Mesh and Texture (only one channel textures right now).
-Allows you to render 2D images over the 3D image to use as panels, texts, etc…Using simple png files so you can use it for 3Dgames, 2D games or a combination of both.
-A vector Based Cameras system that allows you to make target, first person, third person, free cameras, or any kind of cameras you want.
-Mesh loading from it’s own file format, so performance is improved. This format is free, plain text, and easy to understand so anyone can make exporters or conversors from other formats.
-Texture Loading from png files using frontier’s pngu library.

Great improvements are comming.

I’m going to translate it into English, gonna make some examples as well. I hope you enjoy this and make cool 3D games using it 😉
