ThemeMii is a manager for Wii Themes. The .NET Framework 2.0 is required to run this application!

Current features:

Load mym files and edit them
Create new mym files
Create a csm from any mym
Create a mym from a csm
Browse through base app’s for path’s (including TPL preview)
Download base app’s from NUS
Automatically manage source’s and image width and height


Added a little tutorial on how to change the health screen (in the ?-menu)
Added ability to drag a mym file onto the window to open it
Window location and size will now be saved
Added option to save the nand backup path
Added option to take image width and height from the selected TPL
Fixed some bugs when saving/creating mym
Fixed “No Entries Left” error when files have no extension
Fixed base app downloading to different locations than the app directory
Fixed base app browsing