Archive for April, 2003
Pong 03-04-2003 (GBA game)

Here is a very basic”Pong”game created by Strider. I wrote very basic and I mean it! 🙂 The DragaonBASIC sourcecode is included. Click here for getting”Pong”by Strider

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DrSMS (3rd April 2003 – Release 2) (Master System emulator for GBA)

A new Version of DrSMS is out! Changes are: – Screen Scroll with L+R buttons- Improved Sprite routine- Z80 Core now passes all ZEXALL tests- SMS vdp function -locked top 2 tows- Screen is now scrolled left by 8 pixels.

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GPRoar (Dragon 32/64 Emulator for GP32)

News taken from GP32emu: Very early release of my own Dragon emulator. Good enough to play Chuckie Egg on, and probably much more besides. This is Free Software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. Requires SDL. No joystick support. Now I’ve made a GP32 version! It’s even less featureful than the SDL one at the moment. [&hellip

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BgTetris v0.2 (GP32 game)

And an updated version of Tetris which has been done by bingeun. Download avaliable at GP32emu!

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BgPuyo v0.2 (GP32 game)

BgPuyo is another puzzle game done by bingeun. You can get the download over at GP32emu too 🙂

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BgHexa v0.2 (GP32 game)

BgHexa is a puzzle game done by bingeun. You can get the download over at GP32emu.

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PocketNES v9.2 -TEST RELEASE- (NES emulator for GBA)

New test release of PocketNES from flubba, v9.2: – Changed the scanlines and IRQ back to how it was before V9. – Optimized the CPU core a bit.

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Calculator Advance

As you can guess from the topic I don’t explain it further 🙂

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Walk 3D (GBA Demo)

A new demo over at GBAdev has been released. It’s a walking 3D model.

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XCade GP32 Public Release 002 (Arcarde emulator for GP32)

Seems just a few hours after the official release they had to fix something. Here are the changes: Wicked update; correct colours on all games, and a simple menu to select the game to play. Now supports a pile of games.

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