NSF Player for the Nintendo DS by Infantile Paralysiser. File size limit to 256Kbs per file.http://mdxonline.dyndns.org/archives/nds
PSP Kobo is a port of xKoko, a shooter game for the PSP by ReKleSS.http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t
Image provided by: PacManFanPSP-Quake is a port of the well-known FPS Game”Quake”by PacManFan. based of off Pocket Quake by Dan East. This is only a core, and you still need some files from your original copy.http://home.comcast.net/~shernandez
Update for Globware’s casino card game”Casino Addict”. The three supported card games are: Red Dog, Roulette and Poker. Changes for the current release: Added Poker Replaced main menu and icon graphics. Fixed bug where player could spin on Roulette with a bet larger than available cash, creating negative cash if lost. http://www.globware.com/psphomebrew.php
Infantile Paralysiser has created a JPG/JPEG Viewer for the Nintendo DS. Not much is known cause the page is in Japanese.http://mdxonline.dyndns.org/archives/nds
I just got an email from PopCap games who are holding the copyright of”Bejeweled”. They complained that I reported about the”Bejeweled”game for the PSP. I removed both”news items”of Bejeweled PSP. Mr. xxxxxx:I am contacting you on behalf of my company, Popcap Games, in regard to your use of our intellectual property and registered trademark,Bejeweled. Our company has been continuously developing [&hellip
Ruka has released an updated version of his NesterJ port for the PSP.http://rukapsp.hp.infoseek.co.jp
The unofficial SNES9x for PSP by”Y”has been updated. http://ypspdev.hp.infoseek.co.jp
cwbowron updates his PSP Chess game again. PSP Chess is a port of BACE – Bowron – Abernethy Chess Engine (AKA Boo’s Chess Engine). Changes in this release: fixed bug in save game darken board when thinking… automatically load book switched to pspsdk beta 1.0 end game tests (draw by rep, draw by no material, checkmate, stalemate) http://bace.bowron.us
PSP-UAE is a port of the UAE Amiga emulator to the Sony PSP by Christophe Thibault. You’ll need a v1.0 or v1.50 firmware to run it. WARNING: This game sets the PSP CPU speed to 333mhz! Even though no problems have been seen by overclocking the PSP CPU to 333mhz, you’ve been warned. The author can not be held responsible [&hellip