A new pre-release of PSPRadio, an internet radio client for the PSP, is out. Changes: Refactored PSPSound/PSPSound_MP3. (lots of things are different. but one thing that is evident to the end user is that the buffers were reduced by a factor of 5. Next -pre release will allow for the buffers to be configurable). Added basic multiple samplerate support! Supported [&hellip
Kristof has released a test/wip version of PSPVice. This version adds a fullscreen mode.http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11702&page
Another minigame by Gozy is called”Cubez”. The download size is around 40kb as well and is a stand-alone application too.http://www.geocities.jp/gozy_2005/psp/index.html
Gozy has released a little game for the PSP called”Stardust”. It’s about 40kb hughe and is a stand-alone application.http://www.geocities.jp/gozy_2005/psp/index.html
Image provided by: creepyplaidmanZotbot DS is an early attempt to create a nice game for the Nintendo DS by creepyplaidman. Thanks toDrunkenCodersfor the news.http://creepyplaidman.20megsfree.com/downloads.html
iQuiz is a couple of two games. In the”QuizGame”you have to answer questions in limited time. In”Fastwriter”you have to type given words as fast as possible. On the upper screen you see everything you need to play, and on the lower screen you see a Keyboard for the input. In the”QuizGame”, there are 1393 Question! The whole game design is [&hellip
Sakahi has released Neko Project II v0.33 for Sony’s PSP. Neko Project II is a PC-9801E emulator. The PC-9801E is an old japanese homecomputer system. http://sakahi.hp.infoseek.co.jp
Image provided by: YashamaruYashamaru, creator of the lua”Duck Hunt”remake, aims his energy at a new remake of a classic game. This Demo only has”MODE A”working (“Mode B”&”Mode C”will follow).http://forums.qj.net/showthread.php?t
PSPRadio is an internet radio client for the PSP. Note that this release is the identical as v0.34-pre3, only proper packaged.http://rafpsp.blogspot.com
Infantile Paralysiser has updated his application MoonShell. Download it from his page:http://mdxonline.dyndns.org/archives/nds