Mollusk has released the source of his map viewing application for the Nintendo DS. The program might not be fully finalized or useable
Mollusk has released the source of his painting application GFXer. The program might not be fully finalized or useable
North&South is a combined strategy and action game originaly made for the Commodore Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS and Amstrad CPC. It was developed and published in 1989 by Infogrames/Atari Europe. This is an unofficial conversion made by gbadree. All graphics and audio were ripped from the Amiga and Atari versions. Curently the game is not finished and features [&hellip
A bunch of people, who don’t want to uncover their name, are currently working on a Gameboy Advance Puzzle game called Poussin Advance. You are a small fledgling and need to move from one stall to the other one. Before you can enter the stall, you need to dissolve all green fields by stepping on them. Darkgreen fields must be [&hellip
Basilisk II is an Open Source 680×0 Macintosh emulator developed by Christian Bauer. That is, it enables you to run 68k MacOS software on your computer, even if you are using a different operating system. However, you still need a copy of MacOS and a Macintosh ROM image to use this program. Basilisk II is distributed under the terms of [&hellip
The symbols on the screen represent a numeric value in the order as they are displayed on the right. As you move over a symbol, it is decrements to the next lower symbol or disappears. The author is seeking for people who are willing to create more levels for his game
Lucifer_V has updated his PSP application Theme Swapper. Changes: -font’s added -recover funtion added -more availeble slot’s to save -better navigating in menu -bugs fixed -graphix added
Caprice is a CPC emulator for the GP2x and has been updated recently. This is one step closer to the Final v0.6. Changes: -Virtual Keyboard – Fully working!!! -New options: Color/monocrome monitor and adjustable RAM -New skin from ANTIRIAD!
Pipes, previously released as Beerware, has now been released to the Freeware pool. Along with this Nagelfar comes up with Version 2. This game needs the GP2x Java-Enviroment installed. As additional download you can find 11 skins, to modify the look and feeling of the game. Donations are explicitly welcome
Space Pong is a Pong game for the Nintendo DS by Circus