Archive for June, 2007
PSPoste v6.1 (Beta) (PSP Application)

PSPoste is an email client for PSP by David Cummings, Ben Biron and Sajeeth Cherian. This version adds IR Keyboard support

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Cave Story PSP (25-06-2007) (PSP Game)

Cave Story PSP is an unofficial remake, currently in early stages, but playable up to the first boss

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Constellations DS v0.5 (NDS Application)

Constellations is an astrology program for the Nintendo

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ClickOnDS v1.0 (Unstable) (NDS Game)

ClickOnDS is a game by minishlink, currently available as “unstable” release

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Puzzle v1.1 (NDS Game)

Puzzle is a new slide-puzzle game by Neumann

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Powder (24-06-2007) (NDS Game)

POWDER is a roguelike developed specifically for the Gameboy Advance (GBA). It is not a port of an existing roguelike as the controls of the GBA are very different from the traditional keyboard, and the screen imposes some additional limitations. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. It uses actual graphic tiles (16×16) rather [&hellip

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Powder (24-06-2007) (GBA Game)

POWDER is a roguelike developed specifically for the Gameboy Advance (GBA). It is not a port of an existing roguelike as the controls of the GBA are very different from the traditional keyboard, and the screen imposes some additional limitations. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. It uses actual graphic tiles (16×16) rather [&hellip

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Deadly Rooms of Death – Architect Edition v1.0 (GP2x Game)

DROD (Deadly Rooms of Death) is a Dungeon crawling / Puzzle game developed by Caravel Games. Its principle is simple: you inspect dungeons, you fight monsters with your sword, in turn-by-turn combats. But the silly architecture of these dungeons makes these fights extremely challenging and versatile. Changes: New features: – Undo (even when you are dead!) – Mimic view: in [&hellip

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Entombed2x (GP2x Game Port)

Entombed2X is techFreak’s second game port for GP2X. It’s developed by Bill Kendrick based on the Atari 2600 game “Entombed”. This game supports 2 player mode. Please see README_GP2X.txt for more information about the games and controls

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PuzzleManiak v1.4 (NDS Game)

PuzzleManiak is a collection of few minigames in one NDS cart. Changes: – Fix a graphic bug on ‘Net’ game – Add a version check control, when version > 1.4 will be released, you won’t acces all wifi features anymore until you download the new version. – Improve some other little things…

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