Archive for August, 2007
BattleJewels (Build 050) (GP2x Game)

Battlejewels is simple to pick up — just match coloured mana gems together to clear them — and gives you a lot of meat to chew on as you play more. Delve into the game.. theres lots to fiddle with! There are dozens of gem-swapping games out there, but lets face it – you can play Bejewelled for hours on [&hellip

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Massager (GC misc)

From the author: Can your Playstation 2 give you massages?? My GameCube can! Simply start this little application, choose your favorite massage and put the controller/s in any place of your body!

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DSCompress v1.0 (NDS Application)

DSCompress is a GZip compression front end for the Nintendo DS. It uses the latest libfat, so it should be compatible with any homebrew compatible flashcard. Instructions Select a file in the browser, and press A to compress. Select a file ending in .gz in the browser, and press A to decompress. Select a directory in the browser, and press [&hellip

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Time Baby v4g (PSP Application)

Time Baby has been updated, grab it from it’s release thread. Undocumented Easter Egg: Save your settings when the time is 13:37, and the eboot icon will be rewritten to match your colour preference!

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Shoot4Fun (06-08-2007) (PSP Game)

This shooter game has been updated and comes with these changes: -Addons system WORKS! You can have one of 5 updates,health,shield,Double Speed,Double Power,Triple Power.They make gameplay faster and much more fun and addictive! -Fourth level of enemies,very difficult -Various Eye-candy,like fading screens. -You can die now -You can pause using start button -Added instructions option in main menu -Modified insane [&hellip

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Meteora v0.9 (Alpha) (NDS Game)

X-Blaster has updated his marvellous game Meteora to v0.9. You can get the release from his page

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DScent v4.2 (Alpha) (NDS Game Port)

kayvenm has updated his port of Descent to the NDS again. Release notes: It seems most errors are occurring because of the lack of memory so I’ve add some code to check that and flush some cache memory when it occurs, so there maybe some more slow downs when cache is emptied/refilled but hopefully less crashes as a result. Also, [&hellip

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Cave Story (GP2x Game Port)

Cave Story, or Doukutsu Monogatari, is a Japanese freeware PC side-scrolling platformer game developed by StudioPixel. It has been translated into English by Aeon Genesis Translations and will have an official translation script published sometime in the near future. Simon Parzer is now working on a GP2x version and the first beta has been released

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iPhoneNES v0.08 (NES emu for iPhone)

A native NES emulator for the iPhone, currently using the InfoNES core. Presently there is no sound. And the control is a bit iffy. ROMs need to be placed in /var/root/Media/ROMs/NES Video of the emulator in action can be viewed at Thanks to for the news

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PSP Filer v3.8 (PSP Application)

Mediumgauge has released a new version of his file explorer/browser for

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