Archive for August, 2007
DLDI Patcher port on DS (NDS misc)

This is a simple port of the DLDItool Cli (by Chishm). This is useful for people that do not have devices with auto patching firmwares, so you could patch dldi apps/games downloaded from the internet or without a computer. npc3232 has tested it on the Supercard DS One and Max Media Dock without problems, so it should be compatible. Instructions: [&hellip

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ArchonDS v0.1 (NDS Game)

ArchonDS – A remake of the original game from 1983 (Atari ST) with new graphics. Author release notes: After a long semester at the university and a conversion to C++ the first version of ArchonDS is available. In this version you can only play the battle between the archer and the dragon (without AI) in the woods, but the complete [&hellip

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Paper Scissor Rock 4DS v0.2 (NDS Game)

d3x has updated his game “Paper Scissor Rock”. Changes: This new version sports some play with sprites and stylus input, colored text and what not. Next version will have at least an intro screen with instructions, because as you can see, the instructions for using X, A, B as P, S, R, are not where they were

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Models and Camera Classes (XBOX 360 misc)

A couple of classes that DeadlyEvilRyu made to help with Model and camera orientations

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PSP Black Jack v1.5 (PSP Lua Game)

Yesterdays release “PSP Black Jack” has seen an update an reaches version 1.5 now

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Timers v0.8 Beta (PSP Application)

Timers will start a lot of timers (maximum 10) in sequential mode like “Nike Running Triax” watches. This could be used in gym or other case

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Panic Paradyz (PSP Game)

Avoid hitting obstacles! There are 12 levels with 4 different kind of difficulties

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File Downloader (PSP Application)

This application downloads files from a given location to your

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TK2 Jaguar (29-08-2007) (Jaguar emu for GP2x)

Firefox comes up with an T2K port based Jaguar emulator for the GP2x. Author release notes: As a few of you may know, I started work on a GP2X port of the T2K Jaguar emulator quite some time ago. In the last week or so I’ve managed to scrape some time together to do some more to it, and now [&hellip

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Defence Station Portable v1.1a (PSP Game)

Defence Station Portable is a fully customizeable Tower Defence game for PSP. Changes: Add “How To Play” level. Difficulty multiplier. (bigger number = more enemy HP) Show tower stats while placing one. Add “Save the house” mode. Show range rings when upgrading towers (Yes, you can upgrade towers! 😛 select one on the map with X) Show Wave XX/XX Text [&hellip

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