Archive for August, 2007
UAE4ALL GP2x v0.7.2 (Amiga emu for GP2x)

UAE4ALL is an Amiga ECS emulator for GP2x. This released adds the Cyclone engine for faster speed

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GMath3D v1.3.4 (GP2x misc)

Jason Erskine released a new version of his graphics library for GP2x. 2D, 3D, Text, Joystick, Sound, Time routines. Example are included

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LightMP3 v1.4 (PSP Application)

Sakya has released a new version of his slim lined MP3 player for the Sony PSP. Changes: – Added: Audioscrobbler log (disabled by default look a the settings file). The app writes a .scrobbler.log file you can upload to your account through this page: – Added: Settings (CPU/BUS clock, EQ) are saved in the file settings – Added: [&hellip

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Tinygames DS (NDS Games)

Programix has realeased his first work on NDS. It’s a collection of 4 minigames

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PSX4GP2x (04-08-2007) (PSX emu for GP2x)

A new release of PSX4GP2x is ready! This Playstation 1 emulator for the GP2x comes with the following changes in this version. Changes: – Major performance increase! – Unai worked out some major bugs in the frameskip code. Very much improved. – [GP2X] Fixed a bug that caused volume to be set when it shouldn’t be. Volume can now be [&hellip

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PSPRoxy (PSP Application)

PSPRoxy allows a PC to go online using the PSP’s wifi, through USB. Description: 1) User sets their Browser’s proxy to and the port 10101 2) A LocalHost Server is started which redirects signals from the local port to the USB 3) The PSP APP picks up on the signals from USB and then tells the wifi to do [&hellip

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Xandus Media Player v1.2c (PSP Application)

Xandu has updated his media player application for PSP. Changes: -Minor bugs fixed. -Graphical fix (see screenshots)

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DiagnoSe (05-08-2007) (NDS Application)

DiagnoSe is an tool to test several functions of your NDS. Author release notes: Removed SRAM test and replaced it with EEPROM test. The eeprom test will test the save memory on slot-1 cards. Currently only tests type-2 (64kbit) and type-3(2mbit) I do not have any cards with type-1(4kbit) so I have not done that yet. Also a subtle change, [&hellip

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Worms War Online v1.11 (NDS Game)

t4ils has updated his remake of Worms War

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DS Weather Report v0.4 (NDS Application)

Stravingo has updated his weather information tool for NDS. Changes: – Addition of Central Europe, Eastern Europe and North Africa countries. – More than 3300 cities in the included database (and always more than 40000 cities available by code). – More cities displayed on the world map. – Faster world map display, now at 60 FPS. – And last but [&hellip

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