Mr.Jabberwocky has released the source code of this remake of Game & Watch Fire. Save the people jumping from the burning building. Control the firemen and ‘bounce’ the jumpers into the waiting ambulance
Colors! is a simplistic digital application for Nintendo DS based on modern painting-techniques developed for drawing tablets in programs like Photoshop. By taking advantage of the pressure sensitivity of the DS touch-screen it becomes a perfect portable digital sketch-book
Mobile ToDo is a native application for iPhone’s to manage smaller schedules. Changes: fixed bug with bottom nav bar hides last todo
iFlickr is a native application for iPhone’s to access and use the service “Flickr”. Instruction video: Changes: Geotagging!!. Privacy options in preferences
Customize is a suite customization tools for the iPhone. Changes: 20 Sep 2007 : New version of Customize available with more features
Gril-M is a web-based multi-languages POS for Managing restaurant which has many uses like taking an order, calculating the bill, organising the cartes. You can use the iPod touch or iPhone to take the orders
eXdreAm has announced a possible release of ArchonDS v0.3 for this weekend and also presented a new screenshot. More information: You can play a complete round with two players, but with a limited numbers of units (because not all sprites are ready yet) and without any magic spells
NewDictS is a stardict dictionary program running on NDS. Thanks to and (Uwe) for the news
MelodyStar is a music game, which gives you the ability to replay melodies. Changes: – Bugfixes – 5 melodies available
iBlackjack an card game for iPhone has been updated. Changes: Reduced animation speeds. This should make the game appear faster again. Fixed dealer not hitting when has same card count as player