Archive for May, 2008
WirelessTime v2 (PPC Application)

Turn On or Off your Phone / BT / WiFi / Sound , Day by Day Hour by Hour. Compatible All PocketPc WM5 &

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WeatherWallpaper v0.2 (PPC misc)

WeatherWallpaper is a mortscript that changes S2U2 wallpaper based on current weather condition. Now there is support for Weatherpanel, HTC Weather, and the original Yahoo feed (based on notiweather script)

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Remote Tracker v0.06 (PPC Application)

This is an Antitheft software with a SIM card change detection feature to track your device if it was lost or stolen. It works catching a formated SMS sent from any phone and send useful informations back. There’s others goals, use your imagination! Discussion:

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Coverflow v2.5 (PSP Lua Application)

“sony psp player” has updated his application Coverflow. Release notes: Hi I’ve updated Coverflow. It saves the cover art images loaded from ID3 Tags to the covers folder for faster loading. So it needs a very long time (~2s for one mp3) to load at the first time, but then it is very fast (1/2 s for one mp3) . [&hellip

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Multi Skin Flasher v1 (PSP Application)

Multi Skin Flasher is a simple application for Fat an Slims PSPs with custom firmware 3.9x M33. This application gives you the possibility of keeping 10 themes in your memory stick and flash them wherever you want, simple and comfortable

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UMDRip v5 (PSP Application)

UMDRip rips UMD’s. UMDrip V5 All ripping operations are verified. Each sector of the UMD is read twice, and compared to the file writing buffer, since it is assumed that it is the PSP UMD drives that will fail over time. On screen message is displayed if the verify fails, but operation continues. The verified ripping operation takes no more [&hellip

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Snake On Dope v1.1 (GP2x Game)

Snake On Dope is a psychadellic “Snake” game with a drug twist 😉 Ruckage has fixed a bug with the ‘Game completed’ code and made significant changes to make stage C6 easier. To make sure you don’t lose your game position you can just copy the sod folder in the v1.1 zip over your original sod folder and click yes [&hellip

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Gianas Return WIP 2 (22-05-2008) (GP2x Game)

Again news from the Giana’s Return team! Quote: World 1 – Boss enhancement – Comparison The silver pipe has disappeard and everything is a bit more matching now. There is another significant change, the boss has an energy bar now, so you can see how long you need to fight

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TombstoneDS (22-05-2008) (NDS Game Port)

New game for NDS by Buzz. Thanks to ZX-81 for the news

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MobileChat v3.0 WIP (iPhone Application)

Here are some work in progress news from the iPhone chat application “MobleChat”. Quote: I haven’t posted in a while, so I figured I’d give everyone an update on MobileChat and how we plan to create a sustainable product for our users and us. A lot of big things have been happening in the iPhone development community and with the [&hellip

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