Archive for July, 2008
VisualBoyAdvance Wii (24-07-2008) (GBA emu for Wii)

theinternetftw has taken on Emu_Kidid’s port of VisualBoy Advance a Nintendo Gameboy Mono, Color and Advance emulator for the Nintendo Wii and made some changes. Thanks to brakken / again for the news!

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Unofficial SNES9xGX 003 (SNES emu for Wii)

Michniewski has released his third revision of Snes9xGX for both the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo Gamecube. Snes9xGX 003 is based on SNES9X v1.5 for the PC which features superior ROM compatibility, sound and speed compared to previous versions. The Wii version of the emulator includes support for Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic and Gamecube controller’s. Both ports include the ability to save [&hellip

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Unofficial SNES9xGX 003 (SNES emu for GC)

Michniewski has released his third revision of Snes9xGX for both the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo Gamecube. Snes9xGX 003 is based on SNES9X v1.5 for the PC which features superior ROM compatibility, sound and speed compared to previous versions. The Wii version of the emulator includes support for Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic and Gamecube controller’s. Both ports include the ability to save [&hellip

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Last Mobile Space Battalion (A2600 Game)

Dos-man’s Last Mobile Space Battalion is a mix of Space Invaders and Yar’s Revenge

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PockeTwit (r02) (PPC Application)

PockeTwit is a twitter client for the Windows Mobile Professional platform. Discussion:

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SetVolume v0.4.2 (PPC Application)

SetVolume is a finger friendly volume changer. Changes: * fixed bug with default skin (download both, app and skin pack)

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iContact v0.76f Enders Edition (PPC Application)

Manage your contacts with iContact… Changes: Feature: There are now 2 configuration settings (DisableContactPictures and DisableHistoryIcons). Add a line saying “DisableContactPictures=1” (without quotes) to the end of the settings.ini if you dont want to see pictures. Modified: Hidden scroll bar for scrolling between letters is now wider Fix : Fixed the problem with the skin so + sign should now [&hellip

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Reminder (05-07-2008) (PPC Application)

Reminder is a Voice recorder with reminder ability and has 3 screens. Recorder: You can record up to two minutes messages (can be changed). The record is saved to temp file with time stamp. Pressing “save” will save it to “App pathRecords”. Pressing “Schedule” will save the file as above and go to Reminder screen Reminder: Here you can set [&hellip

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Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) v3.21 (PPC Application)

Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) is another auto locking program which utilizes the Windows Locking for partial locking (phone related keys are active) or complete locking (no keys are active). Changes: 24/07 – v3.21 – Fixed timeout to be activeated when sliding (Touchflow). Added option to allow unlocking only with the tapping sequence

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BlackjackDS v0.6 (NDS Game)

After quite a while Scott McFly comes up with an improved “Blackjack DS”. Changes: * New options section o Can alter several game rules using touchscreen * New stats for frequency of betting and splitting * About section expanded * New title splash screen and DS logo (from v0.5.1)

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