emulates the hardware in a Nintendo entertainment system, allowing you to play games on your iPhone. There are many public domain, home-brew games available which have been written for the Nintendo platform, and depending on your country of origin, you may be entitled to play images of commercial games which you rightfully own. Thanks to for the news
Zack updated his engine port, which can be used to play Wolfenstein 3D and Spears of Destiny. Because Wolfenstein 3D is showing swastika’s during ingame, we can not provide any links as it would be against german law. In particular it would be against paragraph 86 StGB “Verbreiten von Propagandamitteln verfassungswidriger Organisationen”. Allthough this is just an engine port of [&hellip
News from Torch: What does Hold+ do when the switch is enabled? * Switches off the LCD backlight. * Switches off the actual LCD screen. (This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the [&hellip
dark_jonax released his first PSP homebrew game. It’s in portuguese language
thoduv has improved his platform game Lapinou Jumps
Le Rodeur has started his work on a Diabolo fangame for Nintendo DS. Currently it’s in an extremly early stage of development
DSRoomMaker acts as garden or room design tool. You can build your own styled room or garden with a bunch of objects. Changes: -Now you can edit the walls and ways of your room! -Added more objects -You can combine the objects now -The garden is bigger -Deleted kitchen,bathroom and bedroom to combine it in one big main room
Vong stands for “Vertical Pong” and is a Pong game for Atari
Pocket CM Contacts is a “finger friendly contact application” for Pocket PC’s. Changes: – Fixed bug with favorite image (not showing) – Fixed crash when pressing contact image in contact detail view – Pressing the favorite image now toggle favorites – Fixed text layout in SMS bubble: now a long text without space should display correctly (character wrap) – Fixed [&hellip
PocketCM ImageViewer is currently a test version, the purpose is to experiment what’s possible with image on our Windows Mobile device using the PocketCM framework. Changes: – Favorite folder list: now you can mark folder as favorite, in order to get a shorter list of the useful folder – Folder are sorted alphabetically not by image count anymore – Improved [&hellip