Harmonium is, to put it plainly, a musical doodling tool. The user can manipulate notes on a 16×16 grid to create melodies within a pentatonic scale. On top of this already addictive concept, you can bring things to life by enabling Conway’s Game of Life! It’s not the easiest thing to explain, so just try it! Changes: Save/Load New software [&hellip
With this SDL files you can eliminate tearing with a few titles such as Sqdef, Blix2x, Reader2x and Reminiscence. Just copy to two files “libm.so.6” and “libsdl-1.2.so.0” to the folder of the game
Gets videos from YouTube and transcodes them to GP2X compatible video files. Supports a total of 21 sites
Gets videos from YouTube and transcodes them to GP2X compatible video files. Supports a total of 21 sites
Latest kernel for ILI9331 LCD controller: fixed USB cable unplug kernel oops, battery reading and LCD backlight working
Latest kernel for ILI9325 LCD controller: fixed USB cable unplug kernel oops, battery reading and LCD backlight working
MeRAMAN has released an updated version of BGM Filer. BGM Filer allows you to playback MIDI files on your NDS! Thanks to http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=165591 for the news. Thanks to http://www.tehskeen.com for the screenshot!
Meritous is an action-adventure dungeon crawl game
The Nintendo Gameboy Advance emulator for Sony PSP based on gPSP and gPSP kai source code has been updated. More than 500 legal homebrew GBA games can be downloaded from here: //files/gameboyadvance/ Thanks to http://emu-russia.net/en/#6488 for the news
Phone Creeper is a phone espionage suite. Currently it has the following features: To receive call history, send the following text to phone with this installed on it: chetstriker getcalls To add call blocking: (communication either way with specified number will disconnect) chetstriker addblk 8005551212 To add call redirecting: (if phone dials a specific nuumber it will cancel and dial [&hellip