Lights Off is a Lights Out clone. Quote: This is my version of Lights Out. It has several variants built in. You can change variants by using the sliders to the right of the game board and you play the game by trying to turn off all of the lights. When you click on a button it toggles between its [&hellip
PSPCleaner is an application to “clean” or “erase” files on the Memory Stick
Periodicpsp is a full Periodic table of the elements that contains 14 differnet pieces of information for each element. This also includes the Lanthanoids and Actinoids series
Spirograph is a simple PSP application that allows you to draw spirographs. Colours and variables may be edited to create a wide vareity of vivid, bright, and colourful patterns, which can then be saved to the ‘PHOTO’ folder on your PSP for further use
With PSPConsole you can: Quickly see battery info. Delete, cut, copy, rename, create, view properties of file/folder, set them hidden/read-only. View text files. View and edit with hex editor. View loaded threads, modules files. Use alarm clock. Play C snake, Tetris, Pong. Sort your games and homebreews. Use calculator. View calendar. And all that you can do from XMB menu [&hellip
hoitjuh55 has updated “Falldown DS”. Changes: – Now there is sound! – Added “main menu” – You can turn off your DS in the game – Boss Level has red blocks instead of blue
UAPaint is a drawing application for Nintendo DS. Changes: – fixed last saved file name bug when saving more than once – fixed last saved file name bug when browsing images – added filled circle tool
Simple game of Hangman. Try to guess the word one letter at a time. Every mistake takes you closer to being hanged
MPlayer CE is a fork of the Team Twiizers MPlayer Wii port. Changes: – FTP support added (thanks to hax) – NTFS support added for USB and SD (thanks to Shareese) – SMB speed improved – Hopefully finally eradicated the freezing bug – Fixed noise bug when loading another stream
alekmaul updated his NATIVE Dingoo application, emulating the Sega GameGear and Sega Master System! No Dingux required! Changes: # Compilation without s2d sdk – Fantastic Dizzy Palette Bug fix + Add load/save state + Better sound + Better speed Thanks to alekmaul himself, via MSN, for the news