Sheeft released a new version of his Phoenix Wright like game “Doctor Lord” where you play a detective. The game is not yet fully playable. Thanks to for the news
Chicken Invaders has always been popular for its humour and addictiveness, and now it is on your PSP. Thanks to for the news
Chat Noir Wii is a simple board game for the Wii. Don’t let the cat escape! It is a clone of Chat Noir by, found here: Changes: – New graphics (Big THX to Gamer-D who supported me also with good ideas) – Use of Freetype for fonts – Bug fixing in some algorithms Thanks to for the [&hellip
LockDevice is an ultralight application to lock your device after wakeup
This is a simple MortScript that is used with iPhoneToday created by MiToNiOe
FEWidgets Ultimate is a Today Plugin for Windows Mobile 6.1/6.5 devices (WM 5 is not supported). Quote: Features: – Haptic feedback. When clicking on widget buttons you’ll feel a small vibration. – Multiple Layouts/Pages support (up to 4). – Multiple Windows for each page with 0 loading time. – Fullscreen Mode. – Support for Landscape/Portrait modes. – VGA/QVGA/WQVGA/WVGA support. – [&hellip
ZX-81, porter of several applications and emulators to GP2x and PSP, now owns a Wiz and announced to release things for it! Find out more by following his announcement, linked below
DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn and other contributors. It is a GPL Open Source project. Changes: [~] Forgot a couple of things [!] FlatShade and ViewPortHack should use flags to compare. [+] Turok: The Dinosaur Hunter and Tigger´s Honey Hunt will use DoubleDisplay. [!]Reworked Double Display Lists, it is now enabled in roms.ini [&hellip
SocialDROID is a simple and lighweight client for Twitter (up to now, more social networks coming in the future). A set of configurable background services will automatically download friends timeline and direct messages.New tweets or DM will be notified in the notification area, as if you received an email or an
Here comes a selection of kernel modules built as part of the Open2X DR7 kernel. Only the USB serial modules are tested but the rest should work if you know what your looking for. Use: insmod ‘file.o’ to load