Archive for September, 2009
MS3 Config v0.16 (PPC Application)

This is a small application volDeus is developing and will evolve into a full-fledged skin editor for Spb Mobile Shell 3. At the moment it only has the ability to change panel backgrounds (among some other helpful tool options), but it has a decent GUI and is unique in that it does not overwrite any changes that have previously been [&hellip

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LightJacker v1.0.3 (PPC Application)

LightJacker is an universal backlight fix / TomTom backlight fix for WM5 & Up

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TrineFix v2.1.3 (PPC Application)

TrineFix is a utility that will fix a lot of issues you might have with your PIM data (Contacts, Appointments and Tasks). Duplicate contacts or appointments, FileAs on your contacts not as you like it, missing country codes, or not the format you want it to be!? TrineFix will fix it for you! Release notes: Updated to version 2.1.3, less [&hellip

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FacebookIM (FIM) v2.3.2 (PPC Application)

FacebookIM or short FIM is a facebook chat client for Windows Mobile. Changes: * added facebook notifications to popup * new feature “Add To Contacts&#

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SetVolume v0.7.0 (PPC Application)

SetVolume is a finger friendly volume changer. Changes: * added in call volume support

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Androkkid v0.4 (PPC Application)

Androkkid is a new Windows Mobile interface, with a lots of customization and a fully graphical design and animations for Windows Mobile 5/6 completely writed in .NET. Changes: Add icons to desktop from list by tap on icon and release on desktop If you tap icon you can move it were you want If you move icon on X or [&hellip

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ThrottleLauncher v1.0 (RC 3) (PPC Application)

ThrottleLauncher is a launcher app designed for Windows Mobile 5 and 6 in c# and c++. Basically it consist’s of several pages containing rows. Each of the rows depending of it contents can be scrolled horizontally by using the finger. The app is fully configurable through xml files so the rest of the features depends on the different setups

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SmallBall in Changeland v1.2 (Wiz Game)

One day when Smallball woke up he discovered that Nasties had stolen all of his friends happyspirits! Without the HPs all of Smallballs friends was as braindead as zombies! Gather all of the HPs before the Nasties gets you too! But beware, you are in changeland where natural laws change constantly!

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uPCE (09-09-2009) (PCE emu for Dingoo Linux)

Developer Uguru has released a 9 day preview for his Turbografx / PC Engine emulator uPCE, which runs via Dingux. Features: – Speed emulation: 40-45 fps @ 333 mhz (default) / 50-60 @ 400 mhz (approx) – uGUI, menu with a lots of options: * Load/Save savestates (w/ screenshots) * Input, video & sound options * Loads .pce & .iso [&hellip

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Dragons of Rage EX (04-09-2009) (PSP Game)

NickyP has updated and corrected Kingherb’s “Dragons of Rage EX” BOR modification. The provided package comes out of the box with a PSP version

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