Marat Fayzullin updated his Coleco Vision emulator ColEm for Android devices. Changes: * Released free ColEm 4.3 for Windows and Linux. * Added Super Game Module (SGM) emulation. * Added Settings | Emulation | Super Game Module” option. * As part of SGM emulation, added AY8910 PSG chip support. * Fixed background color restored from saved state. This is a [&hellip
OpenBOR (Open Beats of Rage) is an open source engine to play Beats of Rage. Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and modifiable game engine made by Senile Team and inspired by Sega’s classic Streets of Rage series. The term “modifiable” means that the program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own [&hellip
OpenBOR (Open Beats of Rage) is an open source engine to play Beats of Rage. Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and modifiable game engine made by Senile Team and inspired by Sega’s classic Streets of Rage series. The term “modifiable” means that the program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own [&hellip
OpenBOR (Open Beats of Rage) is an open source engine to play Beats of Rage. Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and modifiable game engine made by Senile Team and inspired by Sega’s classic Streets of Rage series. The term “modifiable” means that the program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own [&hellip
The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK. Content: We catch up with C64 legend Jeroen Tel of Maniacs of Noise about his classic game, demo and cracktro soundtracks.
Progress for Tanglewood by Big Evil Corporation doesn’t stop! Quote: One major piece of feedback from our testers was that they didn’t understand the checkpoint system, mostly because the checkpoints are invisible and scripted based on game events. We’ve changed how it works, and added these totem pole checkpoints which light up when you reach one
Owen still works heavily on Newo Fox for Nintendo’s Wii. Quote: As long as I keep it below 100% the game will stay at 60fps. Debug text “Split”. It fluctuates between 41 and 70 because I dont update the spatial grid every frame and some frames are busy because of bullets, explosions etc
Chris Covell teaches us PC-Engine coding! PCEngine-Turbografx ASM Programming ep04a 6280 CPU Introduction Watch this video on YouTube. Quote: If you’re already familiar with the new instructions of the 65c02 and HuC6280 CPUs, you could skip this video. I just give a quick overview of what the new and unusual opcodes do
Retro Asylum #180 is here! Content: Dean Swain & Chris O’Regan are back with all of the latest retro gaming related news, answering your #askRA questions and discussing joysticks, control pads and all manner of input devices
Michael Chiaramonte shows us once again how to do some NES Programming. NES Programming #14 – Part 1 – Exporting from the tool Watch this video on YouTube. Quote: We actually got something exporting from the tool! After showing how that works, I add functionality for detecting file system changes and start writing out the sprite data structure. Next stream, [&hellip