The Assembly Line is a NES homebrew podcast started by Sole Goose Productions and Kevin. They cover a variety of theoretical topics, feature a central game under review, have guest interviews with folks, and also showcase some music. Quote: Episode 5: Homebrew World Championship 2012 by Chunkout Games, Right Nut Games, Sly Dog Studios and KHAN Games!
In this first episode of NES Programming Michael Chiaramonte reviews the basics of the NES hardware platform and how to write a game for it. Michael is professional programmer for nearly 20 years and in this series he will show you how to develop a game on the NES. NES programming #1 – Introduction to the NES hardware Watch this [&hellip
The Switch homebrew community is getting active! Look! First two weeks of Switch homebrew Watch this video on YouTube
The Retro League Podcast features discussion about the latest retro gaming news, re-releases, community developments and reviews of our favorite games. This week: This week we are pretty much ready to call the GameCube a retro system, and we’re looking forward to some live movie heckling. There’s a couple legal struggles regarding retro games, and some game soundtracks getting official [&hellip
Pixel-Painter by 16BitWonder is a simple paint program for the Nintendo Switch
Red Zone by justinjams is a PICO-8 action game with lots and lots of explosions
The Assembly Line is a NES homebrew podcast started by Sole Goose Productions and Kevin. They cover a variety of theoretical topics, feature a central game under review, have guest interviews with folks, and also showcase some music. Quote: Episode 4: NES homebrew publishers and publishing, review of The Mad Wizard, interview with Rob of Sly Dog Studios about The [&hellip