vgmoose ported his game Space Game NX to the Nintendo Switch. It’s a simple shooter game. The gameplay video is from the WII U version, but plays same. Wii U Homebrew – 5.5.1 Browser Exploit – Space Game Watch this video on YouTube. Thanks to Nintendomax for the news
The Assembly Line is a NES homebrew podcast started by Sole Goose Productions and Kevin. They cover a variety of theoretical topics, feature a central game under review, have guest interviews with folks, and also showcase some music. Quote: Episode 6: Alter Ego by Shiru!
This is a port of the Useless Homebrew written by Rydian for the DS. It tries to mimic a “useless machine” that has a switch. Press “A” to switch the machine on and see what happens. The screenshot is from the pegaswitch version. Thanks to Nintendomax for the news
Hamsters NX is a breeding of Hamsters game in text mode in French language for the Nintendo Switch by Cid2mizard
cpasjuste updated his port of pFBA (portable Final Burn Alpha) for the Nintendo Switch. FB Alpha is an Arcade and Console emulator. Changes: THERE IS MAJOR CHANGES IN THE CONFIGURATION, YOU NEED TO DELETE THE CONFIG FILES * add hardware scaling and rotation, big improvement in frame-rate. * fix scaling and rotation in any mode (horizontal, vertical, flipped) * add [&hellip
Yet another screenshot for Newo Fox by Owen. Release sometime soon… Quote: For the past week I have just been cleaning up the code and fixing the UI. Had some bugs with leaderboards and the auto-update feature. Currently on beta build 1.08 (for those interested in testing it out early, dm me). #wii #homebrew
Everything you need to get code running on the SEGA Genesis in Part 1 of this new series by GameHut… Will You Code the Next Sonic for SEGA Genesis? I Teach You How #1 Watch this video on YouTube
Arkanite has released a work in progress Media Center for the PS Vita called Vita Media Center
Hydra Castle Labyrinth, originally Meikyuujou Hydra, is a freeware Indie platformer developed by E. Hashimoto, a.k.a. Buster. Now the game has been ported to Nintedo Switch by Rinnegatamante. The game hearkens back to early “Metroidvania” games like Knightmare II: The Maze of Galious and Legacy of the Wizard: the player explores an immense maze-like dungeon, collecting tools and keys that [&hellip
Armor Games brings us a fresh PICO-8 game called The Pixel Bro. Explore the strange 2-bit world, and get some sweet revenge!