Proliferate by Aven Labs is a strategy board game played by two people. The goal of the game is to as rapidly as possible expand your colony of digital cells. To do this you must position your cells strategically so that you can both attack your opponent and defend your own cells. Changes: * Now with notifications and updated
Mr. Boom is a Bomberman clone for the RetroArch platform and was converted from DOS assembly using asm2c. The source code can be found here. Responsible for the Pandora port is ptitSeb. Changes: * Updated to
POWDER is a Rogue-like game, which is not a port of an existing Rogue-like. It is built around re-playability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait. Changes: – Jeff Lait’s Powder 118, released in February 2018 – Compiled with ptitSeb’s latest beta Code::Blocks (GCC 7.2) – Added the README file [&hellip
Hatari is an excellent Atari ST emulator, ported to Pandora by magic_sam. Changes: – Bumped Hatari to 2.1.0 (latest commit on February, 20th 2018) – Compiled with support for IPF files (libcapsimage 4.2) – Bumped EmuTOS to – Added the manual in the Documentation menu – Updated all source codes in the

In this third episode of NES Programming Michael Chiaramonte reviews some items that were left unclear from the last stream, and then discussed how to add entities into the game. NES programming #3 – Adding a new entity type Watch this video on YouTube
The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK. Content: We reminisce on the golden age of First Person Shooters with David L Craddock, the author of new book Rocket Jump. https://soundcloud.com/the-retro-hour/the-history-of-fps-games-the-retro-hour-ep

nop90 updated Retroguru’s Fruit’Y for the Nintendo Switch to v0.2 Alpha. It plays a lot better and is a recommended update. Sound issues are left to improve. Fruit'Y – Playing With Edibles | by Retroguru (Official Trailer) Watch this video on YouTube. Changes: – Fixed keys issue – Aded touch screen support

In this second episode of NES Programming Michael Chiaramonte moves code out of the VBLANK interrupt into the main execution loop. NES programming #2 – Moving code out of the VBLANK interrupt Watch this video on YouTube
nop90 is known for many Nintendo 3DS homebrew game ports and for porting libSDL to the Nintendo 3DS. He updated his libSDL to the Nintendo Switch! Release notes: – Added 8bpp 16bpp and 24bpp video mode – Added touch screen handling (mapped to mouse events) – Added automatic download an install of SDL_image SDL_gfx SDL_TTF and SDL_Mixer

Mikael Tillander published another screenshot of his upcoming yet unnamed Genesis game. Quote: All this talk about the game being reminiscent of shadow of the beast made me go Roger Dean on it’s arse! I think I’ll roll with it, actually. 🙂 Would be a nice tribute? #sega #megadrive #genesis #pixelart #gamedev