Michael Chiaramonte shows us once again how to do some NES Programming. NES Programming #13 – Getting the tool ready to export for NES Watch this video on YouTube. Quote: In this episode, we did work to get the asset tool to output content for the NES. It’s counting the colors used by the images selected, generating a visible palette [&hellip

Chris Covell teaches us PC-Engine coding! PCEngine-Turbografx ASM Programming ep02b – making your own sounds Watch this video on YouTube. Quote: In Episode 02 (second part), I try to explain how to create your own sounds on the PCE and employ tricks to bring it up a notch above those rather primitive waveforms

Subtle electronic component failures can be difficult and time-consuming to track down. This test cartridge for the Genesis from Retro Gaming Arts promises to help…but is it worth the cost? Sega Genesis Hardware Test Cartridge Review Watch this video on YouTube

Pre-Orders for Tanglewood by Big Evil Corporation are open! Boxed cartridge for SEGA Mega Drive, Genesis, and compatible clones. Multi-region cartridge supports PAL, NTSC, and NTSC-J format consoles – starting from 54,00 GBP!

The Lost Strawberry X-Mas Edition is a PICO-8 game by egordorichev. You are a guy, who found his self in a mysterious, strange world. You try to get back to your world, but who knows, what will stop you in your way&#

De Pizza Hunt is a PICO-8 game by egordorichev. You are a guy, who loves pizza. And you want to make as many of them, as you can. So you travel to get all the ingredients for it. But you need to be quick, as a laser wants to make a pizza from you!

Super Loot Bros is a PICO-8 game by egordorichev. Recruit your troops, and face the world full of monsters and treasure. Explore 5 different worlds, unlock different classes and find out the secret of your troops. Was first developed for the Meta Game Jam. Might get extra updates later on

Publisher Mega Cat Studios has another NES title in the pipe. Little Medusa is an extended improved homage to Kickle Cubicle and similar colorfull and cute. The game can be currently pre-ordered starting from 49.99 US$ excluding shipping. Watch this video on YouTube. Become a polymorphed deity and take back Mount Olympus in this action puzzler. The Titans have escaped [&hellip

Chris Covell teaches us PC-Engine coding! PCEngine-Turbografx ASM Programming ep02a – music analysis Watch this video on YouTube. Quote: In Episode 02 (first part), I analyze how some surprisingly rich PCE sounds were created by great game companies like Hudson, Compile, and Atlus
PicoDrive for 3DS is a port of notaz’s PicoDrive emulator by bubble2k16 to the old 3DS / 2DS. Although PicoDrive is already highly optimized for ARM processors, if ported as is, it still doesn’t run full speed for all Mega Drive games on the old 3DS / 2DS, as it’s evident in the RetroArch’s version. So this port heavily relies [&hellip